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Happy Valentine's Day, chicks! 

Love is a tricky thing, and if it weren't, half the songs/movies/art pieces etc. wouldn't even exist. Making a relationship work and last is an even trickier thing. Which is why a good piece of advice, whether or not you're in a relationship, is always welcome. Here at ChickAdvisor, we've been passed down some amazing golden nuggets of wisdom from friends...
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So, you don't have any plans for V Day? No special date at the moment? Well, it is overrated anyways. I mean, yeah I guess it's fun to have a romantic dinner, but when you're unattached on Valentine's Day, the world is your oyster! You have all the possibilities at your finger tips and thought they may not admit it, committed relationship ladies are green with envy. To start you off on your...
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If the icy ground and bitter winds are anything to go by, spring is still a little ways away. But real talk: I am so sick of winter. I am tired of being cold, tired of wearing jackets and sweaters. I don't ever want to see a pair of boots again. Spring cannot come fast enough. In an effort to let Mother Nature know that I am totally up for spring anytime she wants to come on by and drop it in my...
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Forget about diamonds being a girls best friend, heels are by far the best accessory and best friend you can have on date night! Being a woman that is 5’2, I make any and every excuse I can to wear some towering heels. Heels have the ability to turn a simple black dress into the classiest outfit you own. I have an obsession with heels of all shapes and sizes. Pumps, kitten heels, wedges, don’t...
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This week, we asked you to tell us your favourite feature (in exchange for an amazing prize, of course). After all, who deserves more lovin' than you this Valentine's Day? In light of this, we put together some of the most luxurious skincare and body care products to help you pamper yourself! These products are ultra nourishing to give yourself some TLC in this dry, winter season that can be...
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Tell us about you

I am a towering 5’11” walk of life, hungry for all things heart-quenching, endorphin-filled, jetsetting, musically and gastronomically related. By day, I am the sales and marketing coordinator at ChickAdvisor.

What do you wash your face with? What moisturizer do you use?

Though I am a Clinique girl at heart, I recently switched to the L’Oreal Go 360 Degree Clean Deep...
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This Valentine's Day, I decided that instead of buying an expensive gift for the BF that will surely end up unused at the back of his closet, I would make him a home cooked, delicious meal. Delicious being a relative term. In any case, I've always felt that food = love. The creation of an amazing meal with amazing ingredients, with all the effort you put into it, is an expression of your love. So...
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Remember planking? Or horsemaning? Well, the newest trend making its way around the world wide web is a binge drinking game called #NekNominate. #NekNominate is described as “the drinking game for social media.” Basically, participants are encouraged to film themselves chugging alcohol in a creative way and then nominate two friends to out-do them. Only this isn't some sort of chugging contest...
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You gals know, I like me some food. I love to eat. I have an insatiable appetite and I am not picky. One of my favourite things? Snacking. Nothing like having a sack of chips right beside me while I work. I've recently become addicted to Kellogg's Special K Cracker Chips and yup, the box was pretty much empty by the end of the day. 

So, since I am currently out of snacks, I thought it an...
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It's almost Valentine's Day and there's one person you need to profess your love to: yourself! That's right, you're awesome (after all, you are a ChickAdvisor member) and you deserve to shower yourself with love and sweet nothings. That's why this week, in #BeautyTalk, we're going to be discussing... YOU! 

We want to know what you deem your best feature! Now, it doesn't have to be physical, it...
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