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Every year, there is always one day when I snap out of denial and I can officially say to myself: 'ok, it's winter'. The day that happens is the day that I wake up and seemingly overnight, my skin has turned to scales and my hair to something that one might use to light a fire (yup, it's that dry). 

Instead of succumbing to the dryness this winter, I asked Garnier styling and colour...
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I've got a big girl crush on Marion Cotillard, so anything she does is pretty much acceptable. Even this mismatched, kind of crazy outfit is totally up my alley. Marion has that perfect Parisian attitude to pull it off and the looks to wear it with confidence. 

It's a mixture of textures and shapes which should make it totally off the wall, but I think it works. Crocheted?...
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Do you chicks have a signature scent? I've always wanted to find my signature scent but I've never been able to pinpoint that perfect perfume. Still, I'm on the hunt. Lately, I've been alternating between Lush Sikkim Girls and Balenciaga Flora Botanica. I love both of them, but I'm not quite sure if they're good enough to be at the top of the list. 

I need some guidance. This week, I...
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This morning, I pressed the snooze button about 5 times. I ran into the shower, put on whatever I could find and left for work. So basically, I am wearing the sweatshirt I wore to bed and the skinny jeans I wore yesterday. Class act, I know.

This could have been avoided if I had prepped some super easy, ready to go outfits for my late mornings. It's an idea I got from one of our fave beauty gurus
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We've been talking a lot about moisturizing when it comes to your body and face. What we haven't yet discussed is one of the essential moisturizer products that I know we all have at least two of in our purses: lip balm. 

Lip balms are a go-to all year round, but they become extra important in the winter. And hey, Christmas is almost upon us and mistletoe is bound to pop up...
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“Each event presents a blank canvas where creative experiences can be infused.”

Lauren Rivietz is the owner and creative director of Toronto-based SWEET 808, an event styling company.

Help! How can we dodge holiday party planning stress?

No doubt, holiday party planning can be stressful. So, pour yourself a glass of wine and begin to brainstorm fun themes and colour schemes that match your...
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I've dealt with my fair share of acne issues. I've chronicled them in various articles here, here and here and yet, despite how many masks and spot treatments I try out, it never ceases. It's just something I try and deal with on an ongoing basis. Essentially, my skincare routine is a balancing game: trying to figure out the perfect mix of drying and moisturizing. 

You might remember my...
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I've officially sealed off my doors to the outside world and sequestered myself inside for the season. I only go outside when necessary (in order to keep my job, buy a new foundation and make sure my fridge and liquor cabinet are stocked). Because I'm a total homebody, I've been watching a whole lot of Netflix and you know what? No regrets.  

The only downside is that I'm running out of...
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They nice thing about shopping for kids is that they aren't hard to buy for. Get 'em whatever the hottest toy of the moment is, and suddenly you're the best aunt/mom/babysitter/sister/'insertrelationhere' in the world. The problem? I have no clue what the hottest toys are. Are Beanie Babies still a thing?

Well, if you have the same issue. Never fear. We did all the hard work for you. We found...
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Tell us about you!

I live in Toronto—Queen East in the Brewery Lofts. I design jewelry and accessories.

I am obsessed with white: everything, from my white loft and white car, to my white cat and white bedroom. Now I'm saving up for my white beach house!

What do you wash your face with? What moisturizer do you use?

I have super dry skin, so I focus on hydrating and avoid cleansers that leave that...
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