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The other day, I wanted to bake some buttery biscuits to pair with my dinner. Evidence that sometimes, I can pull off the homemade gourmet meals. I gathered all the ingredients and whipped them up. When I pulled them out of the oven, they were less than impressive. Small, sunken, flat and not at all raised and fluffy. Evidence that sometimes, I completely fail at homemade, gourmet meals.

I mean, I...
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Like many people, I wasn't very sun smart in my younger years. Back then, having strongly defined tan lines was a proud testimonial to hours logged basting ourselves in baby oil and lying on the pool lounger all summer long. Maybe even a good base burn to start the sunbathing season? Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Obviously, times have changed. We now recognize the importance of sun safety year-round,...
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The other day was a rotten, no good, really terrible day for me and in an effort to perk myself up, I went into the nearest drugstore and bought myself a new mascara. Did I need it? Nope. Did I want it? You betcha. I'll be honest, I didn't really look at what I was buying, I was in a bad day haze and picked up the first thing that appealed to me. I decided to try out my new purchase the other day...
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JLaw has been on a fashion roll lately. Catching Fire was just released, and she's been making the premiere rounds and showing off her couture chops. I have to admit, I was not on board the pixie train at first but with her uber chic styles she's been wearing the hair is werkin' for her. She's all sorts of sophisticated and fashion forward and I'm loving it so much I can't even pick one red carpet...
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Aside from presents, my favourite thing about the holiday season is entertaining. I love bringing people together, having a laugh or two and sharing a fabulous meal. A few years ago, we hosted an awesome cookie exchange party. This year, I'm feeling a little grown up and I think a retro dinner party is in order. 

Part of what makes the perfect dinner party is having the perfect table...
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So, as you may remember, my bod is currently a wasteland of dryness because of the awfulness known as winter. It's all parched and thirsty and is calling out for hydration! Last week, we gave you a major round up of some of our favourite facial moisturizers that keep our skin soft n' smooth. This week, we're back with 20 body lotions and moisturizers that keep us supple. 

Stock up on these...
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Christmas starts with cocktails. Obviously. I mean, it's a sure sign that the holiday season, is a comin' when you start loving spiked eggnog lattes and cranberry infused gin cocktails. Ahhhh... and happy hour commences! 

We stopped by Toronto hot spot Hudson Kitchen and asked them to give us the low down on how to be your own bartender this holiday. 

They gave us three cocktail recipes...
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Last month we invited a select group of ChickAdvisor members to a VIP cooking class featuring Canadian Cheese. Not surprisingly, it was a fantastic event and everyone went home with full bellies and a stack of beautiful recipes to make at home.

Learning, prepping, tasting, feasting! For more event pictures, check out our gallery.

We want to share some of that culinary wonderfulness with you...
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Ali de Bold is an impeccable blend of the driven professional and big-hearted super mom.  Like many moms out there, Ali understands the importance of balance and making time for herself. She might be juggling two energetic tots, but you won't find her dodging her beauty routine.

Tell us about you!

I am the Co-Founder of ChickAdvisor and the sleep deprived mother of a two year old and a four...
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We haven't had the first snowfall yet, but judging by the sharp cold air and the grey sky today, snow isn't far off. While I am not a huge fan of a major snowfall (traffic getting to work is not fun), I do love a good pair of boots. 

They're so stylish and you all know what ugly feet I have, so any chance to cover 'em up is a good one. Here are 20 pairs of gorgeous, super cute and practical...
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