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So we're smack dab in the middle of November and I'm in full hibernation mode. Like I mentioned last week, I am all about the cozy nights in. News alert: the outside sucks. So stay in this month and do fun indoor activities instead (game night, anyone?). Hibernation mode also makes for the perfect time to catch up on your to do list. I have few things to cross off my list this season, including a...
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The idea of having a set list of rules for your beauty practices really appeals to me. I think it's essential to develop your own look and have a signature style. 

I recently came across these 10 beauty commandments and couldn't help but think they were on to something. I've been working on my personal list with ideas and rules to help me make the most of my look; to...
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We've been chatting a lot about winter skin remedies lately and with good reason: it is frackin' cold out. I think I can speak for us all when I say our skin is parched like a dessert with no rain. 

So this week, we want you to review hand creams and foot care. 'Cause you know I have some gosh darn ugly feet and my hands are so rough it they feel like sandpaper! Help a sister out and send in...
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Is it just me or is there an amazing satisfaction in loving a recent purchase? You know when you buy something on a whim and then YOU LOVE IT and you're just like: YES! FINALLY! THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR?! 

That's a good feeling.

We asked around the office for recent buys from CA staffers. Things that fell in love with. We got some great ones:

1. Muskoka...
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I know the holidays are still a little ways off, but I've already started building my wishlist, working out my holiday decorating game plan and writing out my shopping list. One item that will definitely be featured in all of those? The Kate Spade Surprise Ornament! It's super cute and I'm pretty sure it's the perfect piece for the holidays. It's the epitome of them, if I may say so.

Closed, it's a...
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My skin is actually as dry as a bad fruitcake. Blargh! It's like a desert on my face. Pretty soon, you'll start seeing cracks from lack of water. Winter just does me in. As soon as the wind starts to blow, it's like my body senses it and immediately dries up like a cracker. 

What do I use to solve my dry issues? A mixture of everday essential creams, a moisturizing serum and mask and I always...
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I adore the holiday season. I mean, a season that encourages you to drink rummy eggnog? YES PLEASE and I will take two! Another reason why the holiday season is the best thing ever? Holiday collections. Whether it's limited edition, special packaging or collections of products that offer great value, the holidays mean that our fave beauty brands release some incredible goodies. Best part? They...
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It's Wednesday, which means that we're halfway through the week. It also means that I kinda think we have to celebrate. I mean, we made it halfway through, soooo yeah, that's a reason if I ever heard one. And what better way to celebrate than with a cocktail? 

I've really been loving cocktails lately. A well made cocktail at the end of the day? Nothing better. Of course, a fabulous glass of...
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Like I mentioned in my 'me time' essentials article, November is total hibernation mode month. I mean, going out in winter su-ucks the big one. You have to pay coat check, you can't wear your cute dresses anymore and you spend at least an hour shivering in a line up. Boo. 

Instead of going out, I'm all about staying in. Though, that doesn't mean I'm a total hermit. When winter rolls around, I...
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My season is fall/winter. By that, I don't mean that my favourite season is fall or winter. I mean that I werk fall and winter. I own this season - I just look better. In fall and winter I get to wear pants, sweaters and skirts and tights. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but skirts and tights are my thang. Also my thang? Not shaving. And with all my tight and pant wearing, I never have to!...
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