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I've always held the belief that you can tell how good a night was based on how much makeup you still have on the morning after. Judging by my raccoon eyes the next morning, ShopCrawl was #epic. We shopped 'til we dropped, ate and drank and danced to some awesome jams all night long, were up way past our bedtime and were contentedly exhausted the morning after. 

For those of you who...
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There's a discrepancy in what I can afford and in what I want. I want a whole lot more than my wallet will allow for. Le sigh. Ain't it always like that? Ah well. Instead of ending up in serious debt, I covet items and stare longingly at them for hours online. This is especially true of beauty products. I've got a lust list a mile long of products that I would adore to have. At the top of...
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I mentioned a while back that even though in recent months I had been abstaining from eye makeup, I had just gotten bit by the smoky eye bug. Well, now I've moved on to bigger and better things. After a detour in 'puppy eye' land, I am now firmly in cat eye territory.

Right now I am using Essence Stays No Matter What 24hr Waterproof Eyeliner Pen which is great for the price, but I've just about...
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Isn't it the way it always goes? When summer hits, I immediately crave sweater weather and when fall comes around, I yearn for sunshine, flowers and beaches. In an effort to stop my whining and bring a little spring into my step, I decided to start injecting some spring beauty into my daily routine.

Sure, it may not be the 'of the now' jewelled smoky eye. But you know, what? I don't care. These...
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What are you up to this weekend, chicks? After the epicness that was ShopCrawl, I'm looking forward to spending some quality time curled up on a couch and catching up on Netflix (Breaking Bad marathon, anyone?). Aside from vegetating, I may also break out my DIY kit and work on a little home improvement project or perhaps cook a delicious meal! 

To help with your weekend plans I found a few...
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The 2013 Emmy Awards recently took place and I guess, people won or something? There were gold statues given out or whatever? To be honest, I wasn't really paying a whole lot of attention. Can you tell? 

First of all, dude, awards shows are like, long. But more than that, I could barely keep my focus. You see, I am easily distracted by pretty things and there were many pretty things to be seen...
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Fall is really here, and I'm loving it. This means I want burgundy, emerald, purples, blues and all the shades in between. I'm not a pastel type of gal, so spring and summer shades don't do a whole lot for me. Jewel tones for fall is where it's at. 

If you're on the same page as me, you're likely looking to spruce up your makeup bag this season with a few gorgeous lip and polish colours. We've...
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Fall is one of my favourite seasons (the return of pumpkin spice lattes? - uh, yes please)! But fashion wise, it can drive me a little crazy. The temperature can change drastically throughout the day - cool in the morning, hot in the afternoon and even cooler in the evening - what's a girl to wear? 

Accessories are a wonderfully simple solution.  

Hats, scarves, tights and boots are...

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Hello everyone! My name is Renee, and I am super excited to join the ChickAdvisor team as an Editorial Intern! 

I can't wait to get to know all of you chicks, so to start off here are five little things about me:

1) Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins

When I was younger I loved helping my mother bake (extra points if I got to lick the beaters). Now that I’m grown up, it’s a skill...
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We're all watching our waistlines these days but don't you hate when it interferes with life? The holidays, Hockey Night In Canada, and the Winter Olympics are all just around the corner and this means food. Lots of food, especially when friends and family are around.

For me, this is a daily challenge. As a mom of three, I cook every day and constantly have to make sensible choices...
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