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This summer I've been showing off my legs! I don't know about you, but I love sundresses. Because of this, I've been pouring on the moisturizer like it's going out of style. I've all but used up the very last drop of my favourite bottle, so now I need your recommendations! 

Tell me which product I should (or maybe shouldn't) buy and review a body lotion or cream this week. When you do, you'll...
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In todays edition of Daily Dose of Adorable, we are paying tribute to one of the cutest animals in the world. Like, ever. It's a spotlight on: the slow loris. 

Get ready to squeal and say: "Omigoshomigoshomigosh!" This fellas big eyes and little body is just too adorable for words. 

Ok, enough with the teasing, let's see some photos: 

Those eyes...

I just want to cuddle with one and...
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For us Northern chicks it is almost Canada Day. This means two things: Yay Canada! and Yay long weekend! The Southern chicks shouldn't feel left out though because July 4th is just around the corner. 

How will you be spending your extra time off?

If you're in need of some inspiration, you've come to the right place. We have drink recipes, a few ideas for munchies, some great backyard activities...
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Major fashion news: being a slob is now cool. 

Seriously. Sloppy, disheveled, hot mess is now a style. And, I'm kind of happy about it. I mean, if I can be comfy and lounge around and still be considered trendy, then I'm a happy (albeit lazy) camper! 

Proving that slob = cool, designers showed loose fitting, draping clothes. Paying an homage to grunge (the ultimate lazy fashion),...
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I have had a major case of brow envy lately. Everywhere I go, I constantly scope out other people's eyebrows. I know, it sounds weird, I can't help it though! I've got brows on the brain. I am a woman on a mission for the perfect brows. 

You may remember, almost two years ago we pulled a beauty transformation with our brows and tried different shapes and colours for a before and after....
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I love an unexpected surprise. Like when you find money in your jeans pocket. Or when you go to buy that jacket you've been coveting forever, only to be told that it's 50% off. Or, hidden talents. Like when I bust out my cherry stem tying at a party! Or, more likely, when something you thought had only one use, actually has a few secret super powers you were totally unaware of. 

For our Tip...
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So, it's hot out. Obscenely. And I'll be honest, I'm having a hard time adjusting. Fun fact about me: I hate being hot. I dislike sweating immensely. I would not do well south of the equator. 

What I loathe however, is when my makeup literally starts to melt off my face. Makeup, sun, heat and sweat don't really do well together, do they? It kind of just accumulates into a puddle on the floor....
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Are you chicks sitting down? Because I'm about to lay down some major, huge, crazy, super news and I don't want to freak you out or anything but this one is a doozy. 

Are you ready? 
Here it is: we are running a contest starting Monday, June 24th ending July 1st. The prize pack is worth a whopping (approx.) C$674.00! 


Things just got real you guys. This...
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About two months ago, I read a post by a blogger and loved it! She wrote about how much she enjoyed taking baths. I thought to myself, 'YES', this is what I have been searching for! I needed some relaxing me time to help me unwind after a stressful day and this fit the bill. 

Since I've started taking long, luxurious baths, I've become somewhat of a connoisseur. When it comes to salts,...
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A while back, we gave you a little sneak peek of what the daily life at CA HQ has been like. In turn, you let us know about some of the awesome happenings in your lives. Since we last spoke, CA has been busy with events, visits and lots of fun times, so we thought we'd play catch up with you lovely ladies. 

Here's a snippet of some of the awesome things that have recently happened! 

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