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As I mentioned in the recent round up of 6 must-have oh-so-incredible summer beauty collections, summer is clearly the best season for beauty. Winter fashion and products tend to be heavier and darker. Thankfully, right around this time colour comes back in full force! It's a breath of fresh air after a long, dreary season of black and grey. 

Not only do we have more colour, but...
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Ever wondered how to tell how well done your steak is? Or how long you should be steeping your tea for? Or how to properly prepare a cheese plate? I can't be the only one with a few dozen burning kitchen Q's that need A's. We've got 5 handy dandy charts here for you to do just that!
You're definitely going to want to get pinning, bookmarking, saving, printing or whatever else you do, because...
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Not too long ago, we discussed a few common beauty mistakes. I will shamefully admit that I was guilty of committing more than one of them. This got me thinking about what else I might be doing wrong when it comes to beauty. 

Perhaps the beauty advice my mother gave me as a young teen wasn't actually as accurate as I thought? With this in mind, I set out to do some beauty detective...
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Blackheads? More like blarrghhhheads. No one likes when these little guys come around. Thankfully, there's a simple, inexpensive DIY to help you get rid of the nasty things. 

What you need: 

1 Tbsp Unflavored Gelatin
1 1/2 to 2 Tbsp Milk (in a microwave-safe bowl) 
Sticks to stir with and apply 

Here's the how-to: 

Mix the gelatin and the milk together until...
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Happy Earth Day Chicks! 

What are you doing to celebrate this day? Stocking up on some eco-friendly products or perhaps putting those DIY skills to use? Or maybe just enjoying some vitamin D and fresh air? 

If you're going to be doing some Earth Day shopping, you're in luck because there are a few great deals to score out there in honour of Mother Nature. 

Here's a few...
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You may remember from previous articles that my skin and I haven't exactly been on great terms lately. She's (my skin is a lady, afterall) been rebelling hardcore and I'm not happy. While I've been treating and cleansing, I'm still not quite ready to venture out into the world without some extra coverage. 

That's where our Review of the Week comes in! This...
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Recently we offered 30 of our readers the opportunity to try the entire lineup of Venus cartridges and handles (did you know that any Venus cartridge fits any Venus handle anytime? In a custom-size-fits-none world, this is huge).

Our lucky testers put their legs, underarms, and bikini areas through the ringer to give the 411 on which Venus pairings they loved best. About time too, since...
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Salt and pepper go together like PB & J, or, well, like salt and pepper. Food always tastes better with a pinch of each!

If you and your bestie are as close as salt and pepper are, then this necklace duo is for you. 

How cute are these? 

I love that these aren't the cheesy, broken heart friendship necklaces that (admit it) we all had as kids. It's chic, grown up and playful....
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Every time a new season comes around, I say that it's my favourite time of the year for beauty collections. I've said it for the holiday collections and more recently, for the spring ones. You may not believe me, but I really meant it every time! Gals, this time I'm totally and utterly serious and 100% committed when I say, summer is my absolute favourite time for beauty...
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I've mentioned in the past that my hair has been less than healthy. After years of a salon boycott and DIY experiments with ombre and numerous shades, my ends were left with a rough, straw like appearance. With my recent haircut and shorter style, I've been trying hard to keep it healthy and in good shape. Part of this has been laying off the hair dye (seriously, I have a problem) and...
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