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We once spoke about how much we learned on a daily basis simply by being online. Personally, I'm currently enrolled at U of YouTube, working towards my PhD in braiding hair and makeup application.

Related note: IMDb is THE BEST procrastination tool. Ever wanted to know every single movie that Nicholas Cage was in? Of course you do and obviously you need to find out right this...
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Ever been stuck in a rut? Maybe you just had a rough day? We've all been there. When I get bitten by the 'blah' bug, I look around me to find some pieces of inspirations to get me motivated again. As cheesy as it sounds, sometimes a few wise words can make all the difference in my day. 

I decided to spread some inspiration in this edition of Daily Dose of Adorable. Here are a few...
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Anti-Aging Skincare Ingredients
If fighting acne or anti-aging are your main skincare goals, here are two ingredients that you shouldn't skimp on:  Vitamin C and Vitamin A.  Though acne and anti-aging can be two very different skin issues (unless you are unlucky enough to battle both at the same time), these super vitamins fight both very effectively. 

I've been a believer in the powers of Vitamin C for...
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A full and complete clothing and accessory wardrobe has the right mix of classic go-to and trendy pieces. With a well balanced wardrobe, finding the right outfit to suit any occasion, event or weather should be a snap!  

The same ideals should be applied to your fragrance collection. Especially when you consider the seasons. In winter, we tend to wear more gourmand, spicier and...
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As a seasoned beauty enthusiast, there are a few simple rules that I obey without question. 

1. Less is more 
2. Never overpluck 
3. It's all about balance (bold eye = nude lip and vice versa) 

and lastly...

4. The over the top lip liner and lipstick combo should be left in the 90's  

However, at Prada's Spring/Summer 2013 show, they totally blew my mind by breaking...
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Strictly speaking dessert-wise, Easter is the BEST holiday. I mean, part of the holiday is going around finding chocolate, so obviously the sweets are going to be ah-mazing. I also think Easter is the cutest holiday. You guys, there are bunnies and chicks involved. So, why not combine the two best things about Easter? 

Here's our round up of some of the cutest, sweetest and most adorable...
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The dollar store is a magical place full of wonderful items! Sometimes though, they veer towards tacky town. Case in point: their selection of figurines and assorted garden animals. 

Paint is a simple solution and an instant makeover for tacky knickknacks! A coat of solid coloured paint turns your dollar store finds into kitschy, chic and modern pieces that you can be proud to display! I...
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When it comes to shopping, it's most often worth it to pay more. I have a graveyard of dollar store earbuds to prove this. However, once in a while I come across a product that works so well for a really low price. It almost seems as though the clouds part and angels start to sing and all I want to do is shout out: 'it's a miracle'! 

That's the case for these...
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Recently we talked about the importance of having a bright white smile. It's not just that many of us feel better with pretty pearlies, but a recent survey (by the makers of Crest and Oral-B) also found that others actually expect you to have nice teeth, too.

A great smile can help you succeed in your career. Is that because you're just a little more confident when you...
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The thing about discussing super models in a Yay or Nay is: even if it's an awful outfit, it still looks pretty darn good. It's kind of like pizza; you know it's bad for you, but it's just so good. 

I think that's the case with this week's Yay or Nay! Bar Refaeli in a two piece tangerine ensemble (crop top and wide leg included). Take a gander before we discuss:

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