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New York Fashion Week has once again come and gone in a whirlwind and left us with a heck of a lot of exhausted models and a ton of gorgeous beauty trends to inspire us. 

In fact, so many gorgeous trends that to go through every single one would probably leave us with a strong desire to never look at another eyeliner again. And that would be a shame (though maybe not for our wallets). So...
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I get a bit giddy when I think about the approaching spring season. While it may be chilly outside, it's all springtime warmness in my head and heart. 

Changing up your signature scent as the weather does, is only fitting. As the weather gets warmer and the flowers start to bloom, perfumes should become lighter with more floral and fruity tones. So with spring headed our way, I thought it...
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I'm not sure why I would have expected anything less than this outfit from Kesha. It's not great - glad that's out of the way - but it is totally Kesha (aka Ke$ha), I'll give her that. 

The problem with this outfit is that she has way too many trends going on. Metallics! Headpieces! Lilac lips! Collars! Round glasses! It's like everything she is wearing is screaming for...
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Marilyn Monroe, when asked what she wore in bed responded with,"Why Chanel No.5, of course". Ooh la la. If that's not a ringing endorsement for the fragrance, I don't know what is. It just goes to show you how the right perfume can create just the right feeling. 

So, what's your signature scent? Or maybe you love to switch it up every so often, keep people on their toes? In any...
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My, oh my! What do we have in store for you chicks this week? Well, I can't tell you. I know. Boo me. 

We want to keep you on your toes and we like to think that the anticipation of finding out what you could win is kind of fun! 

So, while we won't tell you exactly what is in each prize pack, we will tell you that each one is worth approx. C$40.00. 

How can you get...
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This is the one and only time you'll ever hear me geek out. I obsessively watch YouTube videos on 3D printing. I swear this is the stuff of sci fi tv shows from the 60's. I mentioned my love for 3D printers in my Apocalypse Shopping Haul, that's how cool I think they are.

If you aren't so familiar with the concept of 3D printing, I'll explain the basics of what you...
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I have a soft spot for 90's nostalgia, so when I heard that the iconic 90's hair styling company Vidal Sassoon was revamping and relaunching its classic line of haircare from the 90's, I was excited to get my Cher from Clueless hair flip on. 

Lucky for me, Vidal Sassoon was happy to let me check out their new collection. Plus, they showed me how they used the products to create a...
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(image via imdb.com

On this Valentine's Day, I have a special message for all you chicks out there: you complete me. 

Also, you had me at hello. 

Oh rom coms, you fulfill me in a way that no other film genre ever will. Sure, rom coms are cheese-tastic and predictable. But aren't they also oh-so satisfying? 

To celebrate love, romance and all that gooey gushy...
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We should always celebrate love. In any form. Isn't it worth celebrating? I'll certainly cheers to love!

And on that slightly cheesy, but totally genuine note, I present to you this Valentine's Day cocktail recipe for Love Potion #9! With cherry liqueur (mmmm!), sweet and sour mix (oooh!) and vodka (yay!), this recipe combines tart and sweet and it comes with a little kick to...
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While our all time love will always be a LBD, we think it might be time to shake things up and inject some colour into February. We're suggesting: Red (surprise). There's a reason that Little Red Riding Hood chose it as her signature hue. Red is hot. It's universally flattering and always makes a statement. Whether you're doing red as print, pattern or solid, it's an...
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