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What are two of the things that ultimately capture the hearts of women everywhere? Hot men and cute dogs. We thought we would match these up and see if one is ultimately better than the other. Just a warning: because of the many (tres sexy) pictures, the dogs may not be the only things prone to drooling.
Round #1: Zac Efron

(images via eepyourcomposure.blogspot.ca, petassure.com)
Animals wearing... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
I am the proud owner of semi-hooded lids. And no, this isn't a car term. If you haven't heard of hooded eyelids before, let me give you the low down: hooded eyes/eyelids are when eyelids are partially covered by skin underneath the brow when the eyes are open.
Hooded lids can make your eyes appear smaller and of course, we always want our peepers to be big and bright! Plus, they can... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
One of our major pet peeves is when young, bright Hollywood actresses dress way older than their age. Whether it's a dowdy grannie look (a la T.Swift) or a too sexy, baring all look (a la Miley Cyrus), we like it best when our favourite leading ladies dress age and event appropriate. So, we were happy to see that Elle Fanning was attempting a cute, youthful and feminine outfit and makeup... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Don't you hate it when you're getting ready in the morning and you just can't seem to find a matching pair of socks? Or when you have officially lost one of your favourite socks and have to throw out the other one because you don't want to walk around with mismatched socks? Those days are over!
Meet Betabrand's Sock Insurance. This sock insurance covers a year of possible sock... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
When ChickAdvisor member Patricia let us know about a cool way she'd come up with to show off her jewelry collection, we knew that we had to have her come in so she could show us exactly how it's done (and so maybe some of that crafty creativeness would rub off on us too)!
Patricia was lovely enough to make the trek over to CA HQ and she gave us the step by step on how to make a... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
There's nothing quite like ogling at a fabulously defined six-pack to brighten your day! Well, except ogling at 10 sets of defined six-packs. I did the math, that's 60 hot abs to look at. I'm already in a better mood. On that note, here are a handful of sexy guys with abs that will make you stop in your tracks and stare.

(picture via megatopstars.com, Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus basContinue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
When I got asked to attend the Bachelor Canada brunch hosted by Rimmel London Canada, I figured that I would be staring starry-eyed at a good looking man for an hour or so, and I was right! But I also picked up some notes from the Canadian Bachelor himself, Brad Smith. The first ever all-Canadian Bachelor had a goal (besides finding love, obviously) to break boundaries with a reality television... Continue Reading