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Calling all FamilyRated foodies!
If you have a passion for cooking and are looking for easy ways to add a little something extra to your family dinners, our brand new FamilyRated Club offer from Knorr® is just for you!
Travel the world from the comfort of your own kitchen with... Continue ReadingRead Reviews SponsoredPour lire cet article en français, voir plus basPour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas

I'm happily living on a budget, trying to save here and there to get the most out of my money. Nothing frustrates me more than buying tons of fresh produce for my family, only to find them gross and moldy a couple days later. It's like, literally throwing money out in the trash (or compost) can.
Coming to the rescue: the Continue ReadingRead Reviews SponsoredPour lire cet article en français, voir plus basPour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Eager to serve your children a delicious snack that also helps to close the fibre gap? Well, moms, we have a nutritious product that the kids will love! Introducing brand new Mott's Fruitsations* +Fibre; unsweetened goodness, made with real fruit, natural flavours, and colours with added fibre - we've got your snack!
? Source of fibre
?... Continue ReadingRead Reviews SponsoredPour lire cet article en français, voir plus basPour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas

Ladies -
Looking for the perfect simple snack while working away at your desk or for a 5 minute "me moment" in the middle of a hectic day?
200 of you lucky ladies will have the chance to sample Sanissimo Salmas Oven Baked Corn Crackers, a delicious oven-baked cracker made from a simple recipe of ONLY FOUR... Continue ReadingRead Reviews Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus basSponsored

Raise your hand if you've ever been pressed for time. Well, I can't see you through the screen but I am pretty sure you're all raising your hand. My hand is also up, in case you were wondering.
In this crazy modern world that we live in, it seems like we are always fighting against the clock which can be incredibly stressful... and exhausting! Maybe you're a mom or a busy... Continue ReadingRead Reviews Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
My brother and his family came for a visit recently. As the first in my immediate and extended family to marry and have children, it's inevitable that my advice is sought by new parents on one topic or another. I generally sit there with a sympathetic look on my face, and after hearing whatever sorry tale, I proceed to comfortingly dispense my thoughts based on years of trial and... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus basContinue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
I was always a snacker, due to the fact that apparently, I was born with a bottomless pit for a stomach. Lately though, due to a burst in my healthy eating habits, I've been snacking up a storm. I tend to eat a lot of smaller meals throughout the day as opposed to two or three larger meals that I used to eat. Because of this, I've been scouring the groceries stores looking for new options... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
As many of you chicks know, when you come across a product that you really love, all you want to do is share that product with as many people as possible! I've had a few favourite products over the past little while and I've been making a list in my head so I could share them all with you. These are my picks for spring in food, beauty and DIY!

1. President's Choice Greek Yogurt (C$3.99) Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Like most people, I was once intimidated by the thought of making my own bread. It's a lengthy process and (presumably) easy to flub, but I come from a long line of German women who make fantastic brrrrread from scratch all the time (and yes, it's important to roll the "r" or it doesn't count) so defeat is not an option.
This Christmas I received a stand mixer with a dough hook... Continue Reading