Parties & People Articles

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Our gorgeous writing team clockwise from left: Kyla, Claire, Laura, Jo, Megan, Sumaya, Ali, Katie.

Last night a handful of our Toronto writing team got together for a fun girly meet up!

We sipped cocktails at the Milestones patio at Dundas Square.

Conversation was about everything from babies to society parties to Michael Jackson.

Thank you so much to our talented team of writers and contributors...
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Today on top of the world's tallest building (for now),  Bare Naked Ladies joined forces with Ben & Jerry’s to announce the launch of the first-ever Canadian Ben & Jerry's flavour: If I had a 1,000,000 flavours. All the proceeds from this delectable ice cream will be donated to support ABC CANADA Literacy Foundation. 

If I had a 1,000,000 flavours is a delightful mix of...
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Image by Paul Toogood

We recently attended an excellent event put on by Elle magazine and the Toronto Fashion Incubator. The day event was full of exciting fashion shows, beauty and hair workshops and some great shopping. Some of the highlights included, speaking with Dino Dilio, a make-up specialist, who did personal consultations for colour contacts by CIBA Vision FreshLook.

It was also a pleasure...
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What Women Want: Next Event: What Women Want: YOU Day at Hammam Spa - Sunday April 19th

Our friend Shannae Ingleton knows how to throw a good party. Her next event is a Spa Date at Hammam Spa in Toronto on April 19th. The packages are a good deal and it's sure to be a blast.
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Last night we attended's Do You Speak Prada? Shopaholic Party.  Guests gussied up and partied to the sounds of DJ Lissa Monet, drank martini's from DavidsTea (you ladies remember this guy), and shopped Juzd,  Bombshell Cosmetics, Brazen Hussy and Jeweler, Josie Tecson.  Makeup Forever gave free makeovers and Buff Nail Bar did manicures for hours. 

Yvonne Kai
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Thanks to some of our fabulous Toronto writers Sumaya, Megan and Marayna! The four of us got together for a few Christmas cocktails last Thursday and some good girl gossip.



Ali aka The Bartender

Drinks on the menu included the Mistletoe Cosmo and this espresso based drink that was more like dessert. Each writer walked away with a bag full of products. It was a fun time and we look...
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MizzRobin's dog as some sort of a bug. Could he be any cuter?

What will you and/or your pet... or child dress up as tonight?

Thanks Robin for the awesome pic of your pooch!
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Hosts L-R: Yvonne Kai, Rachel, Shanne Ingleton, Catriona Smart, Christa Jean

I recently had the pleasure of attending this event thrown by the lovely Shannae Ingleton. Shannae is an athlete/fashionista/femme extraordinaire who loves bringing women together. Her blog features women of influence on a regular basis to share their inspiring stories. Several times a year, Shannae throws a party around a...
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We were invited to the launch of Fox Canada and of course had to take a video of our own. Check it out!
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This weekend I spoke at the Ladies Who Launch Be Your Own Boss event at the Diesel Playhouse. I was on a panel called "Queens of the Web" where we shared stories and lessons we've learned from launching our own businesses. I didn't take any pictures, but luckily Christa from Petite Fashionista did! Thank you, Christa!

Debbie Travis was next and gave a really interesting speech about her...
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