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Calling all new moms: we have a surprise!
Dove is expecting a new addition to their family -- and it comes in the form of a *new* line of Baby Dove products!
300 Canadian women from our Product Review Club will get the opportunity to try one of the following product packages from Baby Dove:
Baby Dove Rich Moisture: Continue ReadingRead Reviews SponsoredPour lire cet article en français, voir plus basSponsored
When you have a child, everything changes. Your priorities shift, sleep is a luxury, and your new favourite accessory is not a sparkly clutch but a military-grade diaper bag. This 24/7 job won't contribute to your RRSP or come with an expense account, but it does pay out in toothless grins, hilarious developmental milestones, and more love than you ever thought you could possibly... Continue ReadingRead Reviews Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Trying to conceive (or "TTC" as parents-to-be call it) is not just a matter of making love every other day and happily finding a plus sign on the pee stick at the end of the month. According to one study, about 20% of moms-in-waiting are still unsuccessful after six months of trying. Speaking from personal experience, this can be very demoralizing.
So what can you do to increase your chances of... Continue Reading SponsoredPour lire cet article en français, voir plus basSponsored

Starting a family can be a nerve-wracking experience. Are you ever truly ready for this huge step? As teens and young adults, we spend much of our time trying to avoid pregnancy. Going from deathly afraid to desperately wanting a baby is an interesting journey.
My first child was unplanned. We were happily married but we were also students: broke, busy, and absolutely not ready to settle... Continue ReadingRead Reviews Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Pregnancy makes me feel just about as dumb as this photo.
I experienced a healthy dose of stupid when pregnant with baby #1, including wearing my underwear backward and forgetting how to spell. Yet somehow, it's been a shock to me that Pregnancy Brain is back for baby #2. Like it's something you should become immune to after you've had it once.
While my academic spelling and... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas

I have a ton in common with Duchess Kate. Actually, I'm pretty sure if we met we'd be instant best friends. Here's why:
1. We're both natural brunettes
2. Both married to a Prince (mine might be figurative)
3. Entrepreneurial family
4. Excellent British accent (one might be faked)
5. Bald(ing) husbands
6. Love of hats
7. Love of shoes
8. Baby due this summer
9. Hyperemesis... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
No baby knows how to fill a diaper quite like my son. It's epic, really. Even as a newborn when we heard the grunts, saw the redness in his face and the concentration in his stare, we knew it was time to brace for the worst.
But ladies, get ready to thank me because I have figured out how to get my husband to change almost every evening and weekend diaper our son has had for... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
The short answer is you might want to reconsider that. I just returned from four days in New York City with my husband and baby and was quite disappointed to discover how hard it is to get around with a babe in tow. Sure, it's a big bustling city and space is always an issue but it went beyond that. From small inconveniences like waiting on the side of the sidewalk until there was... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Before my baby boy was born I got a lot of advice. I still continue to receive a lot of (unsolicited) advice. But no one told me the following super important details I am about to share with you. You're Welcome, in advance.
1. Don't buy a nursing bra with underwire. Unless you like blocked milk ducts.
The busty woman at the bra store turned me away from a really... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Getting back into pre-baby shape is a lot harder than plain old getting fit. For one, if you're breast-feeding you are probably raging hungry and two; you have a little one who demands the majority of your time. Sleep deprivation is a whole other topic.
I've discovered the best way to work out is if my baby can be part of it. If you saw my recent feature in the Globe and Mail,... Continue Reading