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...And other questions that come up during instant messenger conversations.
I’m what some people would describe as intense. I’m a girl who wants the gold star on top of her paper, even when the paper in question is really a client presentation I built in PowerPoint, or a friendship, or a cake I’ve baked just because (this example has never happened).
Simply put: I’m a girl with... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
As a mom of three, some might call me a parenting veteran. But that would imply I've retired from the field of battle, which would be wrong. I'm still deep in the trenches.
When I was pregnant with my first child, I read the books. I wrote out schedules. My favourite show was A Baby Story (minus the gross bits). Dr. Jekyll was large and in charge. For example:
1) My kids will only eat... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
I am a back-sliding pacifist. This means that I mouth words of non-violence, project a forgiving and accepting mien, and spout utopian political opinions loudly—conveniently so, as someone who has not lost a close friend or family member in an armed conflict since World War II.
On the flip side, you just try calling my child "a disruptive influence" in the neighbourhood swimming pool and Imma... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
...Or, my kids will never have internet access and other curmudgeonly things I’ve said this week.
It’s graduation season. And you know why I know that? Because I have a Facebook account. And on that Facebook account, I am friends with high school students. And do you know what that means? It means that the young children I babysat during my emotionally fragile teenage years are now old enough... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
This past Monday, I stopped by my parents house to ransack their refrigerator and steal books from my father’s collection surprise them with my presence like the thoughtful, caring and above-average lady they raised me to be. And, like the thoughtful, caring and above-average parents they are, they had a little surprise waiting for me: a giant realty sign declaring that the house I grew up... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Wanna get on my bad side? Buy my kid a toy that makes noises.
We all have our shopping crutches for kids: some are gaga for stuffed animals, others (like me) give smug gifts of "educational value," and yet others (like my mister) buy whatever is closest to the cash registers for quick in-and-out shopping.
And then there are those who are just truly evil. Or misguided. Maybe both. These are... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
The way your guy dresses is certainly not one of his most important qualities, but at a point in time (when you’ve been in the relationship long enough, or just can't stand to see him wear another pair of bad mandals) it is totally fair game to have an opinion on how he puts himself together. After all, you know he likes you in specific pieces and perhaps with your hair swept off your face... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Do you walk in a room and immediately zero in on the guy brooding in the corner? A study conducted by researchers at the University of British Columbia (the findings were released this week in the American Psychological Association's journal Emotion) proved some gender stereotypes are true(ish). The researchers showed 1,000 adults pictures of the opposite sex in various emotional states and... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
....Or, what I learned from falling on my face in front of 250 people.
I’m of the school of thought that being in someone’s wedding party is an agreement that involves your complete subservience through the planning and execution of the wedding. They want you to buy a teal, turtleneck-maxi dress that costs $500? Done. They want you to shave an eyebrow to help disguise the groom’s partial... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
As of this weekend, I was a bachelorette party semi-virgin, meaning that the only other bachelorette party I attended was when I was 21 and served as my sister’s Maid of Honor (if you use the term loosely).
I threw her what I vaguely remember to be a bachelorette party that ended with the two of us turning up our noses at the wedding-dress-friendly crudité her lovely friend had stocked the... Continue Reading