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Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus basThe ChickAdvisor staff have a lot in common with past Prime Ministers MacDonald, Laurier and President Jackson and founding father Hamilton. In fact, we may kind of even look like them. We came across a new pose this week- The MoneyFace and we're loving it! The MoneyFace gets you to pose with a bill in front of your face- so that you become a half presidental leader/half person hyrbid.... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Despite what you may have assumed, we (ie. us ladies at ChickAdvisor) are not professional models. In fact, for every successful photo we take, there are 10 in backlog that are complete and utter failures. We thought we'd follow in the footsteps of our predecessors and show you our little poseoff bloopers!
Oh Alexandra. How windy could it have been that this unfortunate event could happen?... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
I’m writing this cross-legged on the couch with a half-eaten plate of chicken and caprese salad in front of me, waiting for my deep conditioner to soak in, watching Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix, and listening to my boyfriend tell me about his soccer game.
As the zillion open tabs on my browser window betrays, I’m also looking up ideas for his tiny kitchen, checking my email,... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
What does June, July, and August all have in common? Books! We've been presenting a list of hot books that are coming onto the market each month. Now, we decided to look to some of our staff to see what books they like and maybe they can inspire you to read one of their favorites. There are so many books to choose from but we've narrowed it down to two books per staff. We... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus basIs there anything better than a bubble bath? I’m talking about a long, hot soaking dip in the tub. Neither the warmth of the cosiest blanket, nor a hot cup of the freshest coffee can compare to the luxury of an evening bath. Turn on Adele or a little Ellie Goulding to unwind and try one of these bath time beauties.
1. The ultimate bath experience isn’t complete without your favourite playlist.... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Thanks to one of our crazy worker's awesome find, we were able to show the new it pose. 'Horsemaning' was a popular way to pose back in the 1920s and it is making a comeback. We found the first Headless Horseman (remember Sleepy Hollow?) pose on buzzfeed.
It caused quite the uproar in the office! Four of us decided to try this out in the office and in a park.
Can you guess who the... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
The name 'CocknBullKid' doesn't exactly inspire confidence but once you hear the voice of this english pop star, you will be hooked trust me. I first caught wind of CocknBullKid via PerezHilton.com, I fell in love with her style and sound. She reminds me of a pop, less jazzy and ballad version of Adele. Her hooks and choruses are super catchy- like a cold in a kindergarten classroom. She is... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus basLast week, we took on the crazy Internet Jumping in a post of our own. But like any fad, we're already on to the next one. This time we're taking on Storking. Storking is posing with one foot off the ground like the bird of the same name. We got our inspiration from this blog. We're trying to copy this lovely lady storking in an airport.
(Via moscatomom... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
On Monday evenings, I play in a recreational adult kickball league. For some reason, our team is in a competitive bracket. Yes, a competitive bracket of adults who play kickball.
This means that on a weekly basis, we get our asses kicked by groups of (mainly) guys who were probably picked last in gym class growing up. Whatever they wanted to prove in 5th grade, they’re proving after work on the... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
The other day we posted on our Facebook page that some of the Chick staff had just finished reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. We had a quite the response and even now when anyone in the office mentions the book, we start the discussion all over again!
Jenni says that The Hunger Games is the dessert to Harry Potter while Tammy believes the book has a raw edge... Continue Reading