Skin Care Articles

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Does anyone actually shave during winter? 

You can be honest. We're all friends here. 'Fess up! Well, I'll be the first to admit it. During the winter season, my skin rarely feels the brush of a razor against it. As soon cardigan weather hits, it's away with the tanks and shorts and my razors sits in the corner of my shower, lonely, begging in vain to be used. And if we're...
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The month of March was a stressful time for me. That, coupled with the 'ice cream, coffee, bread, chips and chocolate' diet I have been on (I believe Eva Mendes is on the same diet?), the inevitable occurred: I broke out. 

My skin isn't perfect and I have the occasional spot here and there on a daily basis. This time around I had intense periods of eruption. It isn't...
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I'm by no means a beauty expert, but whenever friends or family ask for my number one skincare recommendation, I always give them the same answer: moisturize. If nothing else, moisturize. I've also been known to spread the moisture gospel to any person I am dating at the time. The boys need hydration too! 

Because I think moisturizing is oh so important, I thought for this Review...
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Anti-Aging Skincare Ingredients
If fighting acne or anti-aging are your main skincare goals, here are two ingredients that you shouldn't skimp on:  Vitamin C and Vitamin A.  Though acne and anti-aging can be two very different skin issues (unless you are unlucky enough to battle both at the same time), these super vitamins fight both very effectively. 

I've been a believer in the powers of Vitamin C for...
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When it comes to shopping, it's most often worth it to pay more. I have a graveyard of dollar store earbuds to prove this. However, once in a while I come across a product that works so well for a really low price. It almost seems as though the clouds part and angels start to sing and all I want to do is shout out: 'it's a miracle'! 

That's the case for these...
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Deodorant is a great invention, isn't it? Not only does it keep you smelling like a bed of flowers but it also helps you keep your cool in any sort of stressful situation. 

I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way about deodorant. I mean, just look at these folks from this vintage deodorant commercial: 

So clearly, deodorant is a big deal and it deserves to be. But...
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This week, we're back with a Review of the Week that for some reason, I don't think we've ever done! I cannot believe this has passed me by! Anti-aging products are super popular so I'm not sure why we haven't talked about them yet. I myself have been known to test out a few anti-aging products (I'm big on prevention), so I would love to hear your recommendations! 
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A beauty routine is an excellent thing to have. When you have one, you develop a signature style and have a go-to look that you can recreate in minutes. That being said, you can also get into a habit and it's easy to get stuck in a beauty rut. You tend to reach for the same products and reuse them without sensing that your beauty routine has maybe become more foe than friend. Your skin tone,...
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When you work for a beauty review website, you get the (very lucky) opportunity to try out a bunch of different beauty products. Once you finish a product, there's always another one that comes along. My job also includes constantly researching to see what's new on the horizon and what I can look forward to next. Confession: I actually spend more on beauty now than I ever have before. I...
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I've been compiling shopping lists of new and amazing beauty products for you to try every week, and I've been following my own advice. With all the new products that I've been trying lately, I'll admit that I've been a bad makeup owner. A lot of my beauty products that may be oldies but goodies have been long forgotten. It's definitely easy to get caught up in what's...
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