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So, I don't want to toot my own horn here or anything chicks, but I think I delivered pretty well on the prizes this week!
I've been on a bit of a experimental skincare kick lately, trying new products and different things out. I think it's because during the summer, I love the light, "no makeup-makeup look" (if that makes sense). I've been treating my skin instead of... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
I mentioned in my Staff Skincare article that I, like so many people have issues with my acne prone skin. As much as I treat and take care of my skin, I still have mean little spots that like to pop up here and there and ruin my day. It's hard to pin down one or even two causes of acne because (and here's some real bad news), there are so many - especially for those with sensitive skin. I... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus basContinue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
To most people, the phrase 'beauty oil' is an oxymoron. The misconception about oils, specifically for face and hair is that they make your hair greasy or they make you break out. However, this isn't necessary the case. As any beauty junkie knows, 'one size fits all' skincare in any product, doesn't exist so certain oils may not be right for certain people but that's no... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
As Mandy and I both mentioned in our skin routine articles (see mine over here and Mandy's over here), we're big believers in skin treatments. By that we mean facial scrubs and peels and masks of all kinds. Personally, I credit masks with helping reduce my acne and I know Mandy swears by her masks to get that glowing and hydrated skin we all crave.
While there are a ton of products... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
I love the summer. I love the weather, I love the sun and I love the liberating feeling of that first beach-worthy day. To be honest though, I also kind of dread that first beach-worthy day. Why? Because it means that I'm going to have to start rocking some shorts soon and my legs are in no way, shape or form ready for that.
Not only does this first day involve the obligatory shaving and... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
I'm a self-proclaimed beauty/skincare junkie so I am always on the hunt for that perfect product. Unfortunately, my skin is quite sensitive so it's a challenge to find products that perform well and don't aggravate my skin. I've tried countless of products and though I'm still looking for that miracle worker, I've found a routine that works for me.
I'll go through... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
My name is Alexandra and I have oily, acne prone skin. Well, that's a sentence I never thought I would string together for all to see willingly. But hey, it's true and I am not alone. There was recently a forum dedicated to skincare routines and we thought it might be helpful for us staffers to go through our own skincare routines and let you know what works for us and each of our specific... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus basContinue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
It’s been said since ancient times that the eyes are the window to the soul. So much can be conveyed with a wink, a sidelong glance, a smoldering gaze, or the hint of a dangerous secret – it’s no wonder women from Cleopatra to Scarlett O’Hara and Tyra Banks have perfected the art of the ‘smize’.
Like peacocks, we are naturally drawn to the season’s brightest eyeshadow palettes... Continue Reading