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Style Guide Articles

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New York Fashion Week Fall '09Last week New York City was buzzing with designers, celebrities and media from all over the world.  Fashion Week was at hand and this year, it was brought to you by 50 year old Barbie. 

I wasn't going to attend because of the preparations for our Movie Night on Thursday, but then on a whim and a compelling invitation from a friend, hopped a last minute flight to check out some of the...
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Bad economy or not, the change of seasons is nearly upon us and the question on everyone's mind is, What will be the wardrobe staples this year? The major Spring/Summer 2009 runway shows revealed both new and classic trends. Here are your 5 spring must-haves for 2009:

1. A pencil skirt

All the buzz is that 2009 is the year of the skirt! Every shape and length is in. A great black semi-casual...
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With the start of a new year comes much reflection.  And sometimes embarrassment. What did I learn last year? What could I do better? 

Since a large part of my job revolves around fashion, this seemed like a natural place to start with my list of resolutions.  In no particular order, here are 8 fashion crimes committed in '08 that I plan to improve on:

1. Stop forcing the outfit

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Countless times I’ve looked through my closet, flipped through every single piece of clothing I own, and stomped out of my room, defeated, exclaiming ‘I have nothing to wear!’ Of course, there are things that I could wear, but the sweater I reached for is so out dated, and I can’t remember if skinny jeans are in right now – or whether it even matters.

If you can relate at all, it’s time...
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Sweater dress, sweater dress, wherefore are thou sweater dress?

Lately I’ve been looking to jump on board the sweater dress bandwagon... I mean WHAT could be better than head to toe angora, wool or better yet, cashmere!

However, the wagon is taking off shortly and I’m still looking for the ticket counter. If I walk out of a change room wearing one more ‘tight and skimpy’ get up, I’m going...
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Our latest round up of style mavens were people we spotted at everything from VIP parties to L'Oreal Fashion Week.

Julia McEwen is wearing Prada shoes, a BEDO top, a vintage skirt, and a grey mini jacket from Holt Renfrew.  All accessories are vintage.  Julia is a beauty editor and a fixture at the front row of Fashion Week and always looks perfectly put together.  Her secret to...
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Being in the know on the latest trends is not the same as actually liking them, as the stirrup jean follows in the oh-so-questionable footsteps of Crocs, Uggs, and other unfortunately named apparel.

Hello! The last time I wore stirrups was in, like, 6th grade. Those of us over age 25 well remember coveting them in the equally unforgivable bubble-gum style stretchy fabric. C'mon, you can admit...
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I love the fall. Now, I don’t actually like the cooler weather and the thought that snow is approaching makes me feel a little ill, probably due to the lack of sunlight taking its effect already.

So why is fall so fantastic? Oh the clothing. Fall clothing is what I should wear twelve months a year. And for a girl who is drawn to black and gray clothing like a moth to a flame, this season does not...
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Despite the fact that September generally means the end of summer and the approach of colder weather, there are a few things a girl can look forward to when the summer heat subsides: shopping for a new fall jacket, rocking some knee-high boots without melting from the heat, and for celebrity and film buffs alike, the Toronto International Film Festival. TIFF ’08 is in full swing, and with stars...
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Most women know that they might need to use a more nourishing moisturizer during the winter months, but few take into consideration the shift between the humid summer weather and cooler Autumn months.

Seasonal changes can affect your skin, hair and nails, and it’s important to use the appropriate products and do the necessary treatments to ensure your flawless summer look transitions gracefully...
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