Style Guide Articles

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Wondering what hot trends are coming our way for fall '08? While most of us would be happy just to see some small sign of spring, the fashion world is already pumping out their collections for fall. Luckily our friend Danielle from Final Fashion had a chance to scope it out and share her picks for the next season...

Last week I had the opportunity to check out Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in New...
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Because the rules of fashion change so quickly, it's hard to know if your style is daringly chic or glaringly wrong. Shopaholics Anonymous gives us the 411 on Navy + Black...

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Shopaholic says navy is the new black. See if you agree ...

It seems like navy has been showing up as a popular spring color for at least a year or so now, yet it can be a hard color to find in stores. This season, shops have picked up the pace by offering a lot more options for every price range.

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Blogger Joanna Si, Esq. has some great picks for your professional wardrobe, plus some money-saving coupon codes. Read her take on the Banana Republic Collection...

As a team-building activity for my residence house team, our supervisor had us get into groups to discuss Approachability Statements. There were various headings on the sheet including things like: 'You know when I'm sad...
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Fashion does its part to support heart disease research. A Girl's Gotta Spa has the details...

February 1st is National Wear Red Day; a day when matters of the heart don't involve chocolates and flowers, but one of bringing about awareness of heart disease in women. As a heart survivor herself, Gail Schneider has designed a customized t-shirt for the Go Red For Women campaign with 25%...
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Daily Dose of Coffee offers commentary on our favorite show, Project Runway....

And that pretty much sums up how I feel about the losing dress, too. But Christian said it so much better than me.

Have I mentioned how much I love Project Runway? No? Well, I adore it. And there is always one designer that I just seem to get emotionally involved with. Santino last season, and this season...
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I want - I got author Anita Clarke shares the scoop on where to get Mackage on sale.

Sometimes readers ask me questions. If they are of value to all my readers I post them online. If you have a question, please feel free to submit it using the contact form. I'll definitely do my best to answer it.

I want - I got reader Cathy wrote:
i just can't get enough… of Mackage!

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Can you tell the difference between the designer version and the cheaper alternative? Ask the Budget Fashionista!

Velour track jackets have become a wardrobe staple of sorts—at least we see them everywhere, whether we actually wear them or not. It’s such a simple and casual item that it’s hard to believe that any of them come with a high-end price-tag, but, of course, they...
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Maiden Lane silver metal framed clutch, $45 CAD

There is so much pressure during the holidays to spend money. Not only do you shell out money you may or may not have for gifts for your nearest and dearest, you also end up spending a nice chunk dolling yourself up for all of those inevitable Christmas parties.

Abaeté for Payless Bayley d'Orsay Pump, $60 CAD

The problem with holiday wear is that...
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Blogger Budget Fashionista lives up to her motto: being fashionable for less! Here's her latest find...

Here at The Budget Fashionista, we love nothing more than when our sharp-eyed, stylish readers share their own fabulous budget finds—here, we have a heads-up from Dana Prigge (of The Daily Fashionista), on a totally affordable way to get some Missoni style without dropping a bundle...
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