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With all this testing out of new gyms and studios, not only are our bods getting a workout, but our iPods are too. The only thing that makes the treadmill bearable for me is a good playlist that pumps me up, keeps me going when I want (so very desperately) to stop and helps me wind down with a stretch. 

If you're like me, a decent playlist is a must for a trip to the gym, and we're here to...
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Purses are my one true love. Seriously, a walk into a bag section in any store and my knees get weak. It's hard not to look for a purse which can carry everything and anything you can think of, like an extra bread roll in case dinner sucks. A night beginning with a heavy packed tote usually ends with my date carrying it. (Sorry a girls arms can get tired, he's cool with it!) But who wants to lug...
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 #BigHairDon'tCare, Chicks. 

We can't keep it a secret, we <3 a great blowout. But what do we love even more? Moisturized hair that feels AH-MAZING. Lucky us, we got to experience both at the #PanteneBeautifulHair pop-up salon

Pantene recently reformulated almost every single shampoo and conditioner line in their collection to contain anti-oxidants that fight...
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A 38 year old woman from California is undergoing hypnotherapy to make her less intelligent in hopes to turn into the next human Barbie. Wait, what? Is that even possible to decrease your IQ? Well, yes and apparently it's working! If the multiple plastic surgeries weren't enough for Blondie Bennet, she's hoping to dumb herself down enough so that she will not only look like Barbie, but think like...
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Being a superhero seems like hard work. I mean, not only do you have to constantly carry a change of clothes around with you, but there's the flying, lifting heavy objects and I am sure that laser heat vision takes a toll on you. Bascially, superheroes are great multi-taskers. When it comes to beauty products, there are some hidden superheroes as well. They work double duty to ensure that your...
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Is it spring yet? This winter has been so long and drabby, I cannot wait to bring my bright prints and short sleeves back into my closet. Stores are starting to bring in their spring collections, so it's hard not to think about throwing away my chunky knits and going for a bright two piece…. okay maybe I'm dreaming too big, we are still in a polar vortex. But that doesn't mean we Chicks can't...
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Unfortunately, wrinkles are a part of life. They are inevitable. Which is why all potions 'n' lotions that claim to zap away fine lines exist. Because we all want that baby smooth skin. While the effectiveness of some of the creams might be up for debate, there are a lot of great anti-aging products, just check out our reviews. Of course, when it comes to anti-aging, some people can get um, a...
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A coffee shop in Washington is waving the no shirt, no service policy. The all-male server coffee shop opened up in Spokane, Washington this past Valentine's day, and is offering all of it's customers a cup of coffee with a view. Yes, it's true Chicks, you can now receive a hot coffee with a smile and maybe get to touch some hot biceps. 

Perfectly named, Hot Cup of Joe is the opposing...
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Last week, we announced that we chicks were going to start werkin' it out at a few different and unique workout spots around the city. And now, we're delivering. Our first #werkout spot? Extension Room. It's a ballet meets cardio meets top 40 pumping meets graceful movement and it was a doozy. It totally kicked our butts in the best way possible. 

Want to know more about how it all went...
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I used to have this really big obsession with electric blue eyeliner when I was about ten years old. I would see my mom put on eyeliner and thought I'd be just like her. Except I didn't look at the colour of the eye pencil when I went to the drugstore, so I was stuck with bright blue. I was one cool kid. That was the start of my love for eyeliner. Since then I've stuck to strictly black...
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