100% Canadian milk made with only the a2 protein, making it easier on digestion.
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a2 Milk™ Reviews

I don’t know how else to describe it. It just tastes so fresh! And no weird after taste like I find in other milk brands. This ones really great and has a good consistency. Definitely recommend!

J'ai enfin trouvé un lait qui goûte le vrai lait, comme quand j'étais jeune, sur notre ferme. Sans être bourratif mais avec ce goût de crème tant recherché par tous les vrais amateurs de lait.

A2 milk is the latest change to the conventional milk product lineup. The A2 brand is based on the idea that it may be more easy to digest given that it lacks the A1 protein found in regular milk products. Just as an FYI, this is not a lactose-free product, and not a substitute...