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Bertolli Reviews

I gave tried so many olive oils over the years, that I consider myself very knowledgeable with what works and what doesn't. Bertolli Extra Virgin olive oil is THE best! I will always have it in my pantry.

I use this bertolli five cheese sauce for a quick and easy pasta recipe for also has been a great alternative could be used for many recipes and it’s only $2.50

J’ai utiliser ce produit pour aider à ne ca colle pas dans mon poêlon.
Ça aide bien mais je trouve que ça goute le brûlée. L’huile d’olive ça brule quand tu la cuisine.
Il devrait en faire un en spray à l'huile De pépin de raisin

Olive oil with great taste, heats well too!! I have purchased other brands but this one has to be a favorite!! Won't be going back to those other guys any time soon!!