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Black & Decker Reviews

I purchased this coffee maker a few years ago when I was first moving out on my own. It makes decent coffee, and it has a few options for programming, but I can't say there's anything substantially great about it.
It can be a but if a pain to clean the base of the machine, but...

Si vous faites votre pain maison, la machine à pain black & Decker est un super bon investissement pour vous. Vous pouvez y cuire votre pain, mais vous pouvez l'utiliser aussi seulement pour mélanger votre pâte et cuire votre pain au four. Quoi de mieux qu'un bon pain maison!

Just purchased this kettle for my office and its great. It was on sale so the price was right!! and within 3-4 minutes my water was boiling. Its very light and I like the fact that its stainless steel. I am pleased with this purchase.

By far the best ever food processor I have been using. The quality is so good and the food chops really in just few seconds. Easy to clean and work effortlessly.

I love my rice cooker and wouldn't live without it. I cook my rice and steam my veggies while cooking my meat. It is so fast and effortless. I would highly recommend it.

I broke the bank to buy my dispenser and of course faults will come over time (aka 5-6 yr). I always wanted one that gave hot water and cold. Also love having a jug that loads beneath; that helps if you're a weak senior! But, firstly, you find the shiny aluminum bottom is a...

Jai cette cafetiere du temps de ma mere il ya de cela 13 ans et fonctionne encore super bien et fait du bon cafe!!!!Super performante et facile a nettoyer!!!Je la recommande si vous voulez quelque chose qui dure longtemps et a bon prix de haute qualite

Ce robot-culinaire fonctionne très bien et est à prix abordable. Je m'en sert pour certaines de mes recettes et il m'a toujours bien servi, fonctionne sans forcer et est très résistant car j'ai le mien depuis de nombreuses années. Je ne saurai m'en passer dans ma cuisine.