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Bounce Reviews

Bounce Dryer Sheets
Oui cela donne du corps aux vêtements en leurs permettant de garder une bonne souplesse , une bonne tenue. J'ai adoré le doux parfum de linge frais. Oui je le recommanderais sans faute même si votre linge est sec vous pouvez juste faire tournez votre sécheuse en y ajoutant...

Bounce Bursts In Wash Scent Booster
I love using Bounce in wash scent boosters. They’re super easy to use and I love how nice our clothes smell afterwards. The scent lasts for a long time, which is great! It’s not too strong or overpowering which I love! Whenever it goes on sale, I usually buy a couple bottles...

Bounce fabric softener sheets in sweet dreams
I literally *only* buy these dryer sheets. They smell AMAZING, the scent lasts forever and my clothes are always so soft afterwards! Highly recommended for those who love their clothes & linens smelling & feeling gorgeous!

Bounce Awakenings Renewing Rain Fabric Softener Sheets
Love Love Love the gain fabric sheets. When your clothes come out of the dryer the smell is absolutely amazing. I also use gain sheets in my camper at the end of camp season. Spread then out all over, and when you open your camp up in the summertime, the smell of the gain sheet...

Bounce Dryer Bar
Bounce Dryer Bar

36 reviews

I was tired of having static cling in my cloths and hated the fact that was constantly using disposable dryer sheets which are expensive and, dont last very long in my house. Some times i was forgetting to even put them in the dryer or they were getting stuck in my lint trap...