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Exact Reviews

Exact - Epsom Salts
I have been using this brand for years and love it. I love the container as it keeps the product from clumping. You only have to use 1 cup per bath and it makes your skin silky soft and feels hydrated. I discovered using Epsom salts from my massage therapist who recommended...

Exact Clear Continuous Spray Sunscreen SPF30
Affordable sunscreen. Works really well! I love spray lotions- less messy. Waterproof, easy to apply and gives you a very decent protection.

Exact Tampons
Exact Tampons

8 reviews

This was not on the good side of purchases... Cardboard applicators are just a huge nono. Half the time it was falling apart before the process was complete....For absorbency it was good, no better or worse than a branded tampon. When removing it the string never really felt...