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Ginsey Reviews

The spiderman folding potty seat was very helpful during potty training. It folds up and will fit in your purse or diaper bag, made my son feel safe and he really liked spider man. Also keeps kids from having to sit on the dirty seats in public bathrooms.

I would definitely be recommending this for other children makes noises and keeps the baby's coming back for more potty time great for first text learner's

I got three different potty seats at my home and I must say this is my little one's favorite. It is cute and the soft contour makes my little one more willing to sit on the potty for a longer period of time, which is good when you started potty training. The handles also makes...

Currently potty training and love this cushion seat. He is comfy sitting on the toilet trying to use it. I love that he can easily put it on and off by myself.

I bought the Thomas the tank engine soft Peru seat for my son when he was potty training. He loved the design so much! He's a Thomas the train nut! The seat itself served its purpose and lasted about as long as you'd expect from a regular toilet seat made soft let this. It...