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Ink Robin

Ink Robin is a storybook app company run by four friends.

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Ink Robin Reviews

Jerry's Day Out by Ink Robin
This is a gorgeous free ap, which is the story of a little bird named Gerry who gets lost in New York. We have all of the Ink Robin aps as my 2 year old son and I are big fans. This story is one of their best. It's done in a very fresh original format with cute quirky cartoon...

Piccadilly's Circus By Ink Robin
This adorable ebook for iPad is really fun and interactive. The British voice narrating and voicing the characters is highly enjoyable to listen to. There is a lot to click on and move with this book, which is the 3rd for Ink Robin. My toddler LOVES this. He loves clicking on...

Leonard by Ink Robin
This is an ebook for your iPad. It is Ink Robin's second, the first being Will & Kate, an interactive story about the Royal couple that got a lot of great press. Leonard is the story of a little boy that moves to the country and is having a hard time finding any friends. He...

Will & Kate: A Love Story by Ink Robin
This is a digital storybook that you download as an app for your iphone or ipad. It's best done through the ipad as there are a lot of fun, features. I really think ebooks are the way of the future because they're so interactive and can't be destroyed like a...