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M&M's Reviews

M7M'stastes like heaven and it is my all time favourite. It is loved by almost everyone. The less known fact about M7M's is that it is not really a chocolate spread, but actually is made up of hazelnuts, and is known as hazelnut cream in many countries.

I love m&ms;but these are gross. The caramel does not taste good in this product and I love caramel as well. If you desire a chocolate caramel candy choose something else and you will be more satisfied.

I'm a fatty and I love chocolate. Any kind any where. You can eat it when your happy or when your sad. You can bake it in a cake or have it as ice-cream. The things you can do with chocolate are endless.
Come on into the wonderful world of chocolate

Great treat that comes in assorted colors. Easy to portion control as you can select the quantity you want and store the rest. No need to eat a whole bag in one sitting once it's opened. Crunchy exterior texture and solid peanut butter center. Does not taste artificial like some...

tres bon en tout moment de la journee ca soit comme dessert dans le lunch ou en collation devant la television il est un vrai gourmet tres apprecier comme chocolat

The coffee nut M&M;’s are bursting with flavor. They are my new favorite sweet treat. They are made just like the Peanut M&M;’s but with the rich coffee flavor. It’s not over powering in taste.

If you like the taste of M&M;'s chocolate, you will love these. They are HUGE.!! They are a little bigger than the peanut m&m;'s, but are just solid milk chocolate on the inside !! The candy shell is decorated in all the classic Easter colors, spring green, robin's egg blue...