NESTEA is a popular ready-to-drink tea beverage around the world. Sold in more than 70 countries, NESTEA offers consumers the refreshing blend of tea and fruit flavours across a wide portfolio of ready-to-drink tea products. NESTEA products are available to consumers in a variety of package sizes and regular-, low- and no-calorie options. The NESTEA brand is owned by Nestlé and licensed to Beverage Partners Worldwide S.A., a 50-50 joint-venture between The Coca-Cola Company and Nestlé S.A.
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NESTEA Reviews

Sometimes this drink does better than water!!!! I can chug so much of this stuff. Best after a meal to wash everything down. Could not find selection for cans but those are #1!

I am not a tea drinker, but once in a blue moon I will enjoy an iced tea on a hot summer day! First off, this can is MASSIVE! It so large that it will literally last you the whole day and its extremely cheap to purchase! You cannot beat its value and whatever even better than...