Amazing stroller!! Easy to push. Goes through any terrain. Large canopy. I have a baby in the bassinet and my toddler in the seat. It is easier to push if the smaller child is in the lower seat. This is my third stroller and the best!!! It is... +
Amazing stroller!!
Easy to push. Goes through any terrain. Large canopy. I have a baby in the bassinet and my toddler in the seat. It is easier to push if the smaller child is in the lower seat.
This is my third stroller and the best!!! It is just a bit on the heavy side. Does fold very compact. You can even remove the wheels with just a push of a button and make it an even more compact fold.
The seat reclines far back the baby or toddler can sleep Fits my 6 months old as well as my 4 year old Perfect for the mall or short trips Folds like the umbrella Easy to push Canopy is small and provides no shade what so ever unless the child is... +
The seat reclines far back the baby or toddler can sleep
Fits my 6 months old as well as my 4 year old
Perfect for the mall or short trips
Folds like the umbrella
Easy to push
Canopy is small and provides no shade what so ever unless the child is lying down
Basket is small
Don't hang anything on the handlebars the stroller will tip over
Best chocolate ever!!! Crunchy on the outside smooth inside with a hazelnut. Nothing can compare!!
Best chocolate ever!!! Crunchy on the outside smooth inside with a hazelnut. Nothing can compare!! -
Soft on baby's skin. Love the wet indicator. They leak much less than Huggies and Pampers baby dry.
Soft on baby's skin. Love the wet indicator. They leak much less than Huggies and Pampers baby dry. -