| Hey Ali I was just wondering how you are feeling. I hope this awful heat
isn't getting to you to badly and you've bin able to stay cool. I told
you back when I found out your due date that I was worried we were going
to get hit with another heat wave and sure enough we are. I went out to
my car about an hour ago to roll the windows down because I was worried
they might blow in this heat. The thermometer said it was 100 F in side
of it, so I'm happy I checked it. I hope you're going to let all of us
know when the baby gets here, what his/her name is and post some
pictures. I'm so excited for you and Alex, I just know your going to be
great at this. Try and stay as comfortable as you can. All my best to
the three of you.
Cool |
 | Hey hey Ali, You know I HEART ChickAdvisor! I just got an account and it truly is the chicest thing eva! I love the forums and when I waz in the forums I saw that a user named glamgal wanted to suggest adding a section for fashion trends...it was a really cool thread and a sick suggestion. You should take glamgals suggestion and make this! It would be so sick! I know I would heart it and a lot of other members would too! Please think about it. Merci, OhLaLaLane
Pretty |
 | No worries. I was afraid my order might have gotten lost and you guys didn't receive it. I will be patiently waiting. :) Thanks for the update.
Cool |
 | I'm feeling much better now, thanks and you're the one
that's the sweet heart. Trust me you'll be happy you have a few of these
swaddler blankets and your baby will feel so much happier all bundle up
even in the heat. Just as long as they don't get to hot. I don't think
you'll have them out side in the heat for long any how. Just
remember that we're all hear for you if you have any question when the
baby gets here and we'll be happy to give you any help we can. I had
several people ask me about my tank top when I was out today, so don't
be surprised if more members show up soon. Everyone thought it was so
cute and wanted to know where I got it.
 | Hi Ali, Thanks for responding to my thread about working at fashion magazines! You said I could apply for an internship at Chickadvisor or apply or apply to be a contributer. I would really love to do this. How do I apply? Thank you, Glam Gal
Good Writer |
 | Ali, have you sent out the Chickadvisor T's yet? I have no idea what the shipping time is from Canada to the states so I was just wondering. I'm excited to get mine. |
 | Ail I did a review for a baby blanket that's a swaddling blanket not to
long ago. If you'd like to look it up it's under the name 100% Organic Cotton Swaddlers 2 pack. If you'd like some and can't find them in Toronto
let me know and I'll send you some to the office. They come with the
instructions and have self-fastener tabs right on them. I loved the
swaddlers that I had years ago and they've only improved them over the
I received my Chick tank top today and I love it!! I was a little
nervous that the small was going to be to small on me, but it fits me
perfectly. I love the it has some give to it and the length is just the
way I like my tops to fit. I hope you have some tank and T's left
because I'd like to order more in a few weeks. Thanks for having them
made up for all of us Ali, I can't wait to show mine off tomorrow. Have a
nice night.
Pretty |
 | Just wanted to leave a MAJOR thank you :-) it was awesome to be the featured member of the newsletter! This is a great site and I am so happy I found it. Are there any products coming up in the product review club? :-)
Thank You |
 | Chick Advisor is an awesome website!
Stylish |
 | Well I didn't want people to think that it wasn't a great place to go at night because I am a shut in ;)
Funny |