Ali de Bold

  Member Since:  August 31, 2006


on April 04, 2009  yellowpeep  311 said:

Hi misschickie! Thanks for the guestbook first one! My picture is actually my reaction to my face after doing a ghastly makeover on myself and my friend (we basically tried to pile on as much makeup as could fit on our faces). You can't see it in the picture b/c of poor lighting and quality, but I'm wearing TONS of incompatible makeup...haha! It was a fun night.

Thanks for establishing this site! I just finished my 5th makeup review and signed up for the product review panel! I'm excited!
  Thank You

on March 26, 2009  mamaluv  240 said:

Hey MC, you work so hard! We appreciate it!
  Thank You

on February 22, 2009  everestwater123  1,719 said:

Thanks MC for a great movie night. The goodies are great! My favourite
moment was your water spillage incident : P Lets do another cocktail

on February 13, 2009  torgrl  939 said:

you are so cute that you made the pic of us your new profile pic:) It was great to meet you yesterday!! See you next week @ movie night:)
  Cute Picture

on February 12, 2009  HoneyB  465 said:

No problem! Thanks so much for sending the package and card - very thoughful and much appreciated!! And I'm LOVING the mascara, for real!
  Thank You

on February 06, 2009  mamaluv  240 said:

Love that picture of you! Have I mentioned how jealous I was of your trip? ;)
  Cute Picture

on January 19, 2009  torgrl  939 said:

Great Website! It's the first place I come for reviews when I want to try a new product or visit a new store in Toronto! I hope you are going to organize another shopcrawl soon!! I've missed the previous ones and really want to attend:) thanks again...
  Thank You

on January 18, 2009  miss.everything89  396 said:

When I first saw your picture I thought it was someone who had posted Sophia Bush's (Brooke from One Tree Hill) picture as their own. You look just like her!

Love the site!

on January 15, 2009  Pandora84  597 said:


Im so happy to have found this site! You just cut my product investigation time in half!
Im taking my time to go through all the categories and add my exp to everything Ive tryed along with whatever facts and etra info I have:)

Thanks so much and let me know if theres anything I can do to help!



Thank You

on January 06, 2009  anjihansen  275 said:

Thank you so much for your advice.. I was wondering on the site and then realized you are hte founder... What an awsome deal.. I will be 27 thursday and sat over the weekend being sick annd bitter lol and thought about what I would have done if i never had kids I cannot help but laugh because you are doing it!!! New york fashion and advice colums for women was my pre mom ideal life way to go stand tall and be proud!!!!
  Thank You

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