Ali de Bold

  Member Since:  August 31, 2006


on false  artist  7,013 said:

Hi Ali, thanks for creating ChickAdvisor, I really enjoy this site!
  Thank You

on false  youreyesopen1986  978 said:

Hi Ali,
You're in RTA? I also never made the connection between 'media' and 'RTA.' Are you in the Rogers Communications Centre a lot? I'm asking cause I'm in third year journalism - wondering if I've seen you around without realizing it. And again, I love this site - it's such a great idea, so major props to you for coming up with the idea!
  Thank You

on false  Creamsicle  60 said:


on false  StephB  4,358 said:

Yup! 4th Year RTA - Almost Finished which makes me SO happy because RTA swallows up whatever life you may want to have outside of school- but I have enjoyed the past 4 years:)! haha

on false  ItsAMonkey  721 said:

I swear, you're going to love them. If you don't, I'll take whatever you have left over!
  Great Taste

on false  StephB  4,358 said:

I'm kinda slow and just made the connection but, 3rd year media student - Are you an RTA student?? Anyway, I'm still enjoying the site, and thanks for your note in my guestbook!

on false  mamaluv  240 said:

You're such a sweetie, MissChickie! I think this site has so much potential and kudos to you for following your dream!

on false  MizzRobin  13,788 said:

Hi Ali, Thank you so much for your message. Anyway, I may not be online a lot in the next couple weeks...I am off to search for some sun on vaca! I love the little picture addition to the guestbook signing. Good idea! Take care. ~Robin.

on false  adebold said:

Hi Ali ~ Thanks for letting me help you with this project.
  Thank You

on false  youreyesopen1986  978 said:

Hi Ali,
I just got the Ballbuster cream and Transition Man soap in the mail, thank you so much :)
They both smell so pretty and the ballbuster makes my hands feel so soft.
Thanks again

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