Ali de Bold

  Member Since:  August 31, 2006


on May 09, 2012  pammy1309  2,623 said:

What a precious picture! =)

on November 14, 2011  MizzRobin  13,788 said:

Such a great pic of the two of you :)

on September 28, 2011  Bren  26,046 said:

This one belongs in a frame!Beautiful...

on September 26, 2011  mamaluv  STAFF said:

Aw, the crisp white business shirt (though I'm betting it didn't stay white for long!), the double chin, the smile.... oh no, here comes baby feverrrrrrr!!!

(p.s. for those of you who inexplicably don't know what I mean, baby fever is the maniacal impulse of a woman to immediately have more babies... or at least cause their husbands to lose lots of sleep over it - and yes, I meant to phrase it like that)

on September 26, 2011  Becky  13,128 said:

I just love this picture of you two! If contentment and pure bliss had an image, it'd be this.. :-)

on September 26, 2011  curlysue10  7,326 said:

Ali this is a beautiful pic! You two look so happy! Congrats to the whole family!!

on September 26, 2011  takoda  28,648 said:

Oh Ali what a beautiful pic of the two of you. Jake is getting so big! Is he two month's now, or a bit older? He looks like a very happy baby, I can't wait to see more pic of him.

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