| Don't you love that! I love changing it up and getting people's reaction! I bounce around between red, brown, and blonde all the time! I change with the seasons! Keeps things fresh and fun!
Pretty |
 | My hair is super fine and super straight, but on occasion, I do curl it with my Babyliss Pro Titanium curler! It's inexpensive and does the job pretty well! Here's a link for what it looks like!
It does come in different curl sizes, but I do highly recommend it!
p.s - Bangs look killer on you! I tried them a year ago and was mortified! You definitely have the face for it! :)
Hot |
 | You're too nice! :) Are you using it at home now?
Cool |
 | Not sure! I wasn't too happy with them! My posing was all off and I kinda look blah! haha!
Cute Picture |
 | Omg you're hair looks so much cuter than I ended up with! Lol! great almost meeting you too! :)
Stylish |
 | I have always had cats...I swore I would never get another one after my Charlie who was 18 had to be put down he was full of cancer and no hope of recovery :( My guy now Radley is a year old and hes such a sweet cat I love him to bits!Have a nice day/evening Alize :) |
 | LOL!Im laughing because I just noticed you did a review for Secret Vanilla deodorant and I just bought that vanilla one yesterday because that lady speed stick was awful!I was going to review it so thanks for having it there :) BTW your cat is adorable what is her/he name?
Funny |
 | I'm in the city, but closer out the edge of the city, the country side
isn't to fare away, thank God!!LOL. If it wasn't going to rain I would
be going out, but I might melt if I do that.LOL It will give me time to
catch up on my sleep and on my reading. I'm just worried about my
freezer full of meat. I guess as long as no one opens it I should be
alright. Any how I really have to go for today. Have a nice weekend. |
 | Nope, I heard we're in for rain on and off all weekend. But I better
find something to do on Sunday. My hydro company told me the other day
they're turning my power off from 4am until 6pm to work on the lines.
You'd think they'd at least split the time out over a few weekends, but
no they have to leave me with no power all day long. I can't even cook
dinner that night because my gas stove has an electric lighting system.
Jerks will probable still charge me for that day too. I don't have a lap
top, so I can't even come on here and play all day. I guess I'll be
doing a lot of reading and ordering take out for dinner.LOL
 | I'm a little sore today, rains on the way, I can feel it in my bones.LOL
Other wise I'm doing great, thanks for asking. I hope you have a great
Friday and a Great weekend. |