I purchased the patches as I'm always worried that I'll forget and touch my cold sore. I am especially worried that I'll rub it in my sleep, especially during the itchy tingly period. So for that alone, I give mega kudos to the patch. I get cold... +
I purchased the patches as I'm always worried that I'll forget and touch my cold sore. I am especially worried that I'll rub it in my sleep, especially during the itchy tingly period. So for that alone, I give mega kudos to the patch. I get cold sores in two places, one smaller one on my lip and a larger one below my lip. Thankfully it can be many years between outbreaks and I only get it in one area at a time. This time it was below (not on) the lip, so I put it on and it was a tiny bit wrinkly but not bad at all, a bit of concealer and I was good to go.
I noticed that when I was talking to people that their eyes didn't dip to peak at the glaringly obvious cold sore on my face :-) you cold sore sufferers know exactly what I'm talking about!!! So they didn't see it.
I read what other reviewers said here...thanks for all the great feedback! So I expected to have to change the patch after a few hours. Mine lasted for 3 days and I really could have left it on longer. Based on feedback here I went to change it and was ready for pain when I removed it. I got some hot water and a facecloth and held it against the patch to soften it up. I then gently rubbed the facecloth against the edges of the patch to lift it then pulled down (not away) as instructed, as far as I could without discomfort, then put the warm facecloth against the patch again and repeated this process.. I always made sure the patch, even the parts that had lifted from my skin, was between the facecloth and my cold sore to ensure I didn't aggravate the cold sore. Anyway by using this method and taking my time I didn't feel any pain. I suspect this might also be because I didn't have it on my lip.
BTW Make sure you really wash/sterilize any facecloth you use, or throw it out (my doctors advice for a bad outbreak). Maybe a good paper towel would work.
So after 3 days my cold sore does not look as bad as it has in the past, is smaller than usual, and did not spread to fill the patch like others. I think that's due to the fact that I left it on for days, not hours, but that's much easier to do when not on the lips.
I would definitely recommend this to anyone. I think the price is a bit steep but since I only get outbreaks every few years when I subject my body to the "perfect storm" for a cold sore... Lack of sleep poor nutritional eating a few beers. I know better, but occasionally I forget and pay the price.
Hope this helps you fellow sufferers lol