These are great to carry around in your purse. Small enough to fit conveniently away but carries enough of the product you don't need to replenish it every day. It works so well getting between teeth and especially well where some people, like me... +
These are great to carry around in your purse. Small enough to fit conveniently away but carries enough of the product you don't need to replenish it every day. It works so well getting between teeth and especially well where some people, like me, have a permanent retainer (metal bar on inside of teeth line) it works well getting the "food" out if the tooth brush bristles miss some. -
This lip balm was all the rage. But then people started noticing all the dirt and gunk that got in the cap and on your chapstick! Yuck. I don't want to rub that on my mouth, or constant try to clean off the lip balm to use it. The price is insane... +
This lip balm was all the rage. But then people started noticing all the dirt and gunk that got in the cap and on your chapstick! Yuck. I don't want to rub that on my mouth, or constant try to clean off the lip balm to use it. The price is insane for one of these. The flavours and smells are nice, its semi works. But I wouldn't use it again. -
Pine-Sol is an amazing cleaner. Being a housekeeping for 6 years, I have just come across this product at my current place of work. It is the only generic cleaner that keeps the smell in the room without being overpowering. It is soothing and nice... +
Pine-Sol is an amazing cleaner. Being a housekeeping for 6 years, I have just come across this product at my current place of work. It is the only generic cleaner that keeps the smell in the room without being overpowering. It is soothing and nice. It works great on wood! It doesn't stain and wipes it clean. Has been used on glass table tops and it took off the mildew too! Only need a tiny bit of the cleaner in a spray bottle with the rest filled with water. It will last months! -
Bar soaps, like this one, always leave my skin feeling like its caked on with something that I need to stretch out of my skin or continue to wet my skin after I have washed myself with the soap!
Bar soaps, like this one, always leave my skin feeling like its caked on with something that I need to stretch out of my skin or continue to wet my skin after I have washed myself with the soap! -
I got a sample of this product in the mail, I tried it. Smells great, and it really does leave your hair soft. I suffer from oily hair and it took that out so I could feel great during the day. The bottles are a little small for the price.
I got a sample of this product in the mail, I tried it. Smells great, and it really does leave your hair soft. I suffer from oily hair and it took that out so I could feel great during the day. The bottles are a little small for the price. -