
  Member Since:  December 14, 2006


on October 15, 2008  make-up junkie  3,422 said:

I'm excited to see you too and to give you a free makeover!! hehe not that you need it - your hair looks fab by the way!!
  Great Taste

on October 10, 2008  spotty  4,021 said:

Ooooh lah lah! What a sexy picture! You look great! Glad the camera info worked out for you! And yes, we got married 6 days ago! :-P You can read a little bit about it and see a few pictures here: Pictures are trickling in from friends and family and I'm slowly getting them posted.

on October 08, 2008  Bubblybunny  4,709 said:

Awesome new picture!! You look radiant!
  Cute Picture

on October 02, 2008  make-up junkie  3,422 said:

Aww thank you Michelle! You're such a great supporter and model! ;) I haven't received anything so I'm not sure what happened :( Sorry! You're so sweet to send anything anyways! Are you coming out for the shop crawl? I hope to see you! Talk soon!


on August 22, 2008  mamaluv  240 said:

Hey Artist! Looks like you're back from your European trip. Good to "see" you again!

on May 15, 2008  spotty  4,021 said:

Hola chica! I suggest the Nikon D40 for your trip. Its a trimmed down digital SLR. It still has all the standard fixin's of a SLR w/o the fancy price tag. I bought mine (so I could use my Nikon N50 lenses) in January 2007 and paid $800. Now I see them at Best Buy and Circuit City from $500-$600. That price won't bend you over and I bet the camera has everything you'd need for your trip. And if, god forbid not, the camera is lost or stolen, you're not out $1500!! Enjoy your trip! W/ all the fancy pictures, there better some photo albums up online for us to see! :-)

on April 15, 2008  StephB  4,358 said:

Just thought I'd say thank you for the nice comment! I'm glad someone reads my reviews :) I read yours all the time, and you're a fabulous writer! (or at least you persuade me! hehe)
  Thank You

on April 15, 2008  StephB  4,358 said:

Just thought I'd say thank you for the nice comment! I'm glad someone reads my reviews :) I read yours all the time, and you're a fabulous writer! (or at least you persuade me! hehe)
  Thank You

on March 12, 2008  Feisty Redhead  1,521 said:

Thanks! He's a great little furbaby; though he doesn't like to cuddle as much as I do. lol Though right now he's in my lap, making it hard to type! :)
  Thank You

on February 24, 2008  hunter_jc  883 said:

Hey, I sent you messages on here before. At least i think i did. Its hard to chat here. Do you have msn?

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