Oh heck nah. This is old. Yea, yea ik the saying “old is gold”. Not on this one tho. You need a tablet? I got you. Go to Amazon, type in “Amazon fire tablet” pick however much storage you want and boom. A fire tablet is better than a... +
Oh heck nah. This is old. Yea, yea ik the saying “old is gold”. Not on this one tho. You need a tablet? I got you. Go to Amazon, type in “Amazon fire tablet” pick however much storage you want and boom. A fire tablet is better than a blackberry. BlackBerry’s just can’t keep up any more, not in this world. They had their time, they were at the top once but whatever goes up must come down. -
These bars are great for pretty much anything. They taste good, packed with almonds. They are great for lunch bags, after school, at work, as a pick-me-up.
These bars are great for pretty much anything. They taste good, packed with almonds. They are great for lunch bags, after school, at work, as a pick-me-up. -
It doesn’t taste great. Always gotta add something to make it taste better. Ur better off going to the international section of your grocery store and getting some noodles from there. However, if you are a chef and would like to challenge your... +
It doesn’t taste great. Always gotta add something to make it taste better. Ur better off going to the international section of your grocery store and getting some noodles from there. However, if you are a chef and would like to challenge your abilities get this and try to make these noodles worthy enough of a 5-star Michellin restaurant. Think I spelled that wrong. Cheap and easy dinner ; buy it. I get this all the time just add some soy sauce, frozen veggies and some hot sauce and ur good. It’s not all that bad. -
It’s an air freshener. This is the Hawaiian breeze one and I think that they can really expand on their scents. I personally don’t really like Glade or any air fresheners. I find them too heavy. I have yet to find an air freshener that doesn’t... +
It’s an air freshener. This is the Hawaiian breeze one and I think that they can really expand on their scents. I personally don’t really like Glade or any air fresheners. I find them too heavy. I have yet to find an air freshener that doesn’t give me a headache. Now, just so you know I don’t spray a ton, I just spray a little and try to dilute it around the room. So bottom line, you want a cheap air freshener to mask up some stink this is what you get. -
Alright y’all, this drinkable yogurt is good. So it’s small, like in size it’s small, but it good for little children. They have a nice bottle cap so no one will choke or anything. The yogurt tastes nice too. These come in a pack of six, but... +
Alright y’all, this drinkable yogurt is good. So it’s small, like in size it’s small, but it good for little children. They have a nice bottle cap so no one will choke or anything. The yogurt tastes nice too. These come in a pack of six, but they are pretty small so you might wanna get 2 or maybe even 3 packs. These are perfect for a school snack, after school snack, any time of day snack. -