It started with Red Roses and I don’t even like floral fragrances but this one reminds me of Persian rose water. It literally smells like roses, not a rose perfume. I’ve had at least 4 friends that went and got it for themselves after smelling... +
It started with Red Roses and I don’t even like floral fragrances but this one reminds me of Persian rose water. It literally smells like roses, not a rose perfume. I’ve had at least 4 friends that went and got it for themselves after smelling it on me. Copy cats. But I have great taste so I can’t blame them for catching onto the stuff I like. :) Obviously, or I wouldn’t have told them what it was.
I have about 5 scents right now and soon it’ll be the first time in about 5 years that I’ve tried a new one. The Saffron cologne stole my heart and kept it. I bought it up when it first came out as limited edition, kept buying it when it became permanent, and now it’s discontinued. So probably by next year my stockpile will be gone. I could only love this brand more if they’d bring it back. The other scents are lovely alone or layered/blended
I don’t particularly know why I bought the nectarine blossom, though. It’s nice but it smells like a juvenile fruit spray sold at lingerie stores. It’s not sophisticated or interesting like the others.
What will be next? Hmm
I moved to Chicago from Santa Monica and am still not used to walking more than 10 feet before coming across a green smoothie. I ordered 24 on my first order, to try things out and I can’t say there’s been a bad one in the bunch. These are... +
I moved to Chicago from Santa Monica and am still not used to walking more than 10 feet before coming across a green smoothie.
I ordered 24 on my first order, to try things out and I can’t say there’s been a bad one in the bunch. These are real smoothies, not just berry purée and a bunch of sherbet or fro yo calling itself a health drink
I’m a private chef. I can easily whip up a basic mix and doctor it up enough to not get sick of it daily but what makes these worth it to me is the fact that they’re all full of various great ingredients and to replicate it at home wouldn’t be something anyone is going to stick to every day
They’re not sugary at all. They taste like fruit. I’ve only ever used Flax milk with them, but I recently bought the vanilla flavored one that’s slightly sweetened to put in these and it’s fantastic. Even the plain unsweetened flax milk makes a great smoothie despite not adding any flavor to it (a good thing, I think) but the blends of fruit and veggies are so good that they can tolerate a little kick of sugar if the mood strikes.
I do recommend that you blend them longer than you think you have to. I didn’t read the manual on a very high powered blender I had just bought and wasn’t aware that it would program itself to stop when it felt the time was right. It didn’t take much time at all but the two I made that night were definitely denser than they are now that my blender whips it around a good while. My friend and I still liked them despite my user error but now they’re perfect