
  Member Since:  June 8, 2010


on April 14, 2013  takoda  28,648 said:

Morning, I'm so sorry I never answered your last message abut my quote, I never saw it until now. Other family members use my email and must have deleted it before I had a chance to read it. Thank you for showing off my quote, it's nice to know others have seen it, even if they have no clue who I am.LOL I was told by the Chicks that it was going to run last summer, but some other chicks quote ran and they couldn't answer me as to what happened to mine. I gave up on it ever being published. When I did see it it was just as much of a surprise to me as it was to everyone else.LOL
I'm happy to hear you were picked to do both reviews. You know Bren
never even signed up for the Always one and was still picked. It makes
me wonder if they just gave it to all the Canadian girl members. She just got an email saying her kit would be on its way. We both thought that was a bit odd. I thought that coffee one was just for the U.S., or is it for another web site not the bzz
site? I don't drink coffee, or even tea any longer and haven't for
about four years now, so I wouldn't have wanted in on that one. Good for
you though, I bet that coffee system cost's a lot!! Its so nice to be able to keep the products these web site let us try out ay. The biggest one I ever got in on was for the electric toothbrush on here just over a year ago or so. I love it and I still use it today. Oh did I ever tell you that someone in my neighborhood
placed a bzz bee sticker on the ash try thing out side of the CIBC
bank. I have no clue who it is. So there has to be another bzz agent in Windsor somewhere beside us two because it wasn't me and your on the other side of town.LOL
Did you see the snow yesterday? It was only a bit flying around my
house and it didn't last for long, just long enough to make me sick!
Mother nature sure is being cruel this year. I lost all my Lilac flowers last year because we got into the 80's in March and then the temps dropped off again. I'm not sure if they're
going to flower this year because of that, or if this cold is going to
hurt them even more. Well I have to run, but let me know how you like
that coffee system and where you got it from when you get a chance. Have a nice day Christine and thanks again for all of your kind words.

on April 13, 2013  takoda  28,648 said:

Hi there, I hope your doing well. I was just wondering if you got in on that Always Infinity review for the Bzz site. If you did have you gotten your kit yet? I got picked, but my bzz page still says shipping soon. I know they put an extension on the time limit, but tons of reviews are coming in from other places in Ontario so I don't get why I haven't received mine yet. How about the Crest review, did you get picked to do that one for this site? I found two other web site's that were looking for people to review the same Crest products and was pick to review them for another site. Any how give me a shout back when you can and let me know if you were picked for either review and if you did get the Bzz review if you got your kit yet. Have a nice day and try and stay dry and warm! Doesn't this weather just sink!

on August 14, 2010  takoda  28,648 said:

Hey you, I'm only just seeing this today. I thought you would have replied on my page, so I didn't know you were here. I haven't bin to the other site much either, I'm much happier here! I hope the heat isn't bothering you to bad this summer. At least we're suppose to get some relief next week. The hair dye thing had a bit of a hitch to it. I haven't dyed my hair in years and picked the wrong color, like a fool. But we were able to get that fixed for the next time around and I was able to get the red out with this new stuff. It's called color Oops hair color remover and it worked pretty good. If you ever don't like your hair you should try it. I just put a review up today about it, take a look if you have time.
Oh and the next time you come on and want to reply back to me, write on my page so I know you're on line. It took me until today to even know this was here and I hate that I missed you before. htake care and have a nice day.

on August 09, 2010  babypiggy_83  8,263 said:

Hey Donna, glad to hear from u too. Congrats on getting picked for the hair dye. Hope it turns out well. My summer has been ok, same old same old. I usually don't come out here unless i'm at the library. I still go on BzzAgent, but find myself not going on there quite as often as i used to. I'm sometimes too busy trying to find free samples, lol. i see that u had left a comment on the Mark's Work Warehouse and i agree with u that it's pretty cool that they include a $10 off coupon with the flyer, but i've yet to actually buy something from them. well i hope ur summer is going well too and i'll ttyl.

on August 09, 2010  takoda  28,648 said:

Hey I see you took a guess on the cost of the girls dresses the other day. That's the first time I've seen you on here since you joined, have I just bin missing you? Stop by my guess book and let me know how your summers bin. I was one of the lucky one to be picked to do the hair dye review. Give me a shout back when you can, I miss talking with you.

on June 30, 2010  takoda  28,648 said:

Hey you long time no talk. When I tried to click on the thing to add you as a friend it didn't do anything. That's why I came here and I see you know Meguinn.
We've had a few talks about different thing's in the Chick Chat, but I had no idea she knew you. It sure is a small world isn't it.
So how have you bin?
I don't get over to the other site much now. I don't like the way the changed it at all, but you already know that. I really love coming on Chick Chat, there's always something to do and learn on here and the girl's are very nice. I haven't bin chosen to try any thing yet, bu I have my fingers crossed. I hope you enjoy yourself with the rest of us Chicks, I'm pretty sure you'll be much happier here, I know I am.

on June 21, 2010  Meguinn  1,181 said:

Hey Christine :D
I'm glad you joined!

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