Miller Highlife. The slogan is “The Champagne of Beers”. And I would have to say that it deserves the title. They are crisp, refreshing and smooth. It’s a light beer that delivers a full bodied taste without the heavy bloat. The price is also... +
Miller Highlife. The slogan is “The Champagne of Beers”. And I would have to say that it deserves the title. They are crisp, refreshing and smooth. It’s a light beer that delivers a full bodied taste without the heavy bloat. The price is also a big selling point, It’s less than traditional Miller Genuine Draft and not much more than Miller’s “bargain” beers such as Miller Lite or Old Milwaukee. For this girl, there is nothing better than cracking a Miller Highlife on, well, pretty much any occasion.
For all you women that want to avoid the “beer bloat” this should definitely be the go to beer.