| Hi again Becky, I just wanted to let you know that I found the replacement brush heads still for sale on well.ca. They want $29.99 for the set, but they still carry them. If I see them go on sale, or if I see them on their clearance page I'll let you know. Have a nice day. |
 | No problem Becky, I'm happy I could make your day. I knew that you and
Bren got one of the tooth brushes and thought you both should know. My
memory isn't very good, so I'm not sure who else that I normally talked
to got one, with out looking through all of it that is. I did remember
you letting us know when you found them on sale awhile back, so I'm just
returning the favor. Bren told me this morning that she hasn't been
able to find the replacement brushes out west for a long time now. She
said she's been looking every where she goes, so they just might be hard
for you to find as well. I was lucky and got the last one at the
WalMart that I was at. I sure hope you can find some, I know I love mine
and can't see myself going back to the old tooth brushes, I'm to
spoiled now.LOL
That's so funny that your VP is asking you about the chick site, I love
it. I don't think you ever did say what classes you're taking, but what
ever it is I hope you are enjoying it even though its hard work.
Anything worth it usually is hard work and it’s always a good thing to
try and better our self's in any way we can, but we still miss you!
I haven't been too bad this year, thanks for asking. I still have my ups
and downs, but I just push through it. I'd rather remember that there's
always someone else that's worse off then I am and I'm thankful for
what I'm still able to do. Witch is a lot more then anyone thought I
would be doing by this time, so all is good. I have my family, my home,
my dog and all of you chicks, what more can I ask for.LOL
it’s been great talking with you Becky and it’s really nice seeing your
name on the site again. I wish you all the luck in the world with all
that you do. Have a wonderful day Becky!!
Cool |
 | Hi Becky I hope every thing is going great for you this summer. I know you were one of the chicks that received the Oral B tooth brush to review back in Dec and I wanted to let you know what I found out today. I was shopping in Wal-Mart today and saw the four refill heads for only $7.97. I wasn't sure if it was marked right so I asked one of the ladies working there about it. She checked it for me and it was on sale for only $1!! Unfortunately she also told me its bin discontinued. I'm not sure if just Wal-Mart that won't be carrying this brand any longer, or if it’s been discontinued every where. I thought you might like to go out and grab as many refill brushes as you can before we can't get them any longer. Oh and by the way, we miss you! I did see you on a bit last week, but we still miss seeing you like we use to. Hopefully this fall things will slow down for you and you’ll have a bit more time to spend with us. I hope this info was some help to you, have a great day Becky.
 | Hey Becky! My email is [email protected], oh the pitfalls of technology, right?
Thank You |
 | Hi Becky! Did you ever get my email??? This hotmail has some explaining to dooo!!!
Thank You |
 | Hey Becky! I'm going to send you email again, let me know if it finds its way to you! |
 | Hey Becky!!! I sent you an email a little while back, I wanted to send you a little sumthin' sumthin' so check it and report back! :) (it'll be worth it, I swear!)
Thank You |
 | No problem Becky. I've only played with it using one of the
model's they give you, I haven't have a chance to put my own pic in and
give it a go. To tell you the truth I'm a little scared to, I might
brake it with my ugly mug up there.LOL I really like that it gives you the name's of the
different products that you're trying out on the model's. I hope you get a chance to play around with it soon. Have fun Becky
with it and have a great day!
Funny |
 | Hello,
I had seen your comment about wanting a Smashbox BB cream, and it reminded me of this product that you may or may not have seen yet: http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.jhtml?id=P300339&shouldPaginate=true&categoryId=3990
It's not purple, but it seems to do well. |
 | Morning Becky My sister in-law sent this to me today and I thought you might like to try it. You add you pic and can try different looks on your self. www.taaz.com I hope this help you find the new look you were looking for, good luck and have fun with it. |