Last Christmas I put up a bunch of Christmas decorations onto my patio glass windows. Unfortunately the decor left behind dark sticky residue which was really difficult to get off on its own. Goo gone really helped to easily get all of that nasty... +
Last Christmas I put up a bunch of Christmas decorations onto my patio glass windows. Unfortunately the decor left behind dark sticky residue which was really difficult to get off on its own. Goo gone really helped to easily get all of that nasty stuff off so I could have clear glass to look through again. I’ve also use this stuff to remove sticky residue left over from heavy duty double-sided tape that was used to hang things up on walls, it works amazingly well without taking paint off. -
I have a really bad habit of drinking coffee while I’m driving so I tend to spill coffee on my clothing, especially white clothing. The last spill was on a white dress and oxy clean took that stain out completely. This has also worked wonders for... +
I have a really bad habit of drinking coffee while I’m driving so I tend to spill coffee on my clothing, especially white clothing. The last spill was on a white dress and oxy clean took that stain out completely. This has also worked wonders for my husband’s white polo shirts and white casual at home shirts. It seems like it is a lot more gentle than bleach which I like because my fabric is lasting longer however it’s still tough on any stain that we test this on. Stains are inevitable buy this! -
As a kid I always remember that my mom had one of these cans in the house at all times. Now I always have one of these cans because it is simply the best way that you can make your tub as white as possible. When fantastik is just not cutting it... +
As a kid I always remember that my mom had one of these cans in the house at all times. Now I always have one of these cans because it is simply the best way that you can make your tub as white as possible. When fantastik is just not cutting it and my tub needs a good cleaning, I can sprinkle this onto the surface, it won’t scratch and it’ll make my tub pearly white, it also does the same thing for my bathroom sinks. I like it that there is bleach in it so you know that your surfaces are all going to be disinfected. I highly recommend having this in order to keep your tub clean as possible. -
I really love it of how this disinfects and throughly cleans the toilet. This really makes cleaning very easy and all you do is pour some around the edges of the entire toilet and let it sit for 15 minutes then lightly scrub afterwards. I think... +
I really love it of how this disinfects and throughly cleans the toilet. This really makes cleaning very easy and all you do is pour some around the edges of the entire toilet and let it sit for 15 minutes then lightly scrub afterwards. I think that every bathroom needs one of these bottles sitting next to the toilet. -
Having a bowl of this reminds me of being on the beach in the Caribbean with an icy tropical pineapple margarita. Sometimes I don't want a heavy ice cream with chocolate in it and this fruity flavor is just right for that. It's not too sweet and... +
Having a bowl of this reminds me of being on the beach in the Caribbean with an icy tropical pineapple margarita. Sometimes I don't want a heavy ice cream with chocolate in it and this fruity flavor is just right for that. It's not too sweet and I like that coconut is blended well with another fruit. Pineapples are one of my favorite fruits and if you haven't tried this yet you definitely have to! -
I love anything that has a febreze scent in it. This make the room that you are using it in smell really good and I love using this in our bathrooms. It's not that effective in getting deep stains out but it will do the job to disinfect any surface... +
I love anything that has a febreze scent in it. This make the room that you are using it in smell really good and I love using this in our bathrooms. It's not that effective in getting deep stains out but it will do the job to disinfect any surface that it is placed on. It doesn't give off any harsh chemical smells like other products will and I also like using this from time to time to also clean my floor just for the scent. -
I typically always have a bottle of this stuff in my home if we are living in a place that has wooden floors which is my choice of flooring. Pine sol not only gets dirt and grime out and make your floors look brand new, but it also freshens up the... +
I typically always have a bottle of this stuff in my home if we are living in a place that has wooden floors which is my choice of flooring. Pine sol not only gets dirt and grime out and make your floors look brand new, but it also freshens up the scent of any room that you use it in. I love the way that it smells after I am finished mopping the floors. The different scents that they have come out with make it more exciting to clean and I'm loving the new sparkling wave scent. -
What home doesn't have a roll of this? These are the best paper towels around and I love them because they absorb so much liquid. In comparison to almost every other brand this is the best for cleaning and soaking up spills. You don't have to use... +
What home doesn't have a roll of this? These are the best paper towels around and I love them because they absorb so much liquid. In comparison to almost every other brand this is the best for cleaning and soaking up spills. You don't have to use as much of this as other types of paper towels because a few sheets does an awesome job. Don't waste money on other brands bounce is the way to go. -
I remember having these popsicles all the time when I was a kid growing up. I loved the three flavors and as an adult, I eat these whenever I have a sore throat or if its super hot outside. I love it that they are still a good size and that they... +
I remember having these popsicles all the time when I was a kid growing up. I loved the three flavors and as an adult, I eat these whenever I have a sore throat or if its super hot outside. I love it that they are still a good size and that they haven't been manufactured in a smaller size like so many other childhood ice creams and popsicles have been. This is a very yummy treat. -
I have two of these from Costco and they do a really good job of keeping coffee hot on the way to work as well as keeping it from dripping out. I like their sleek design and they always fit into any car coffee cup holder. They are dishwasher safe... +
I have two of these from Costco and they do a really good job of keeping coffee hot on the way to work as well as keeping it from dripping out. I like their sleek design and they always fit into any car coffee cup holder. They are dishwasher safe and you can fit about two and half coffee cups worth of coffee in there. If you are looking for an efficient coffee thermos this is a good bet. -