Although the Bumbo seat seemed like a great idea, and came highly recommended, the addition of the safety straps has rendered this product useless. I understand the need for these safety measures, but the straps are positioned in such a way that the... +
Although the Bumbo seat seemed like a great idea, and came highly recommended, the addition of the safety straps has rendered this product useless. I understand the need for these safety measures, but the straps are positioned in such a way that the seat is uncomfortable, and my daughter will not sit in it. Instead of sending out the recall kit, the company should have redesigned a safer version of the seat that children would actually use, and provide it to all those who purchased a dangerous product. -
My daughter has no problem with skin problems arising from diapers. Therefore I am able to purchase the brand that happens to be the best value at the time. This being said, I stick to brand name diapers because I prefer the quality of Pampers and... +
My daughter has no problem with skin problems arising from diapers. Therefore I am able to purchase the brand that happens to be the best value at the time. This being said, I stick to brand name diapers because I prefer the quality of Pampers and Huggies over store brands. Twice in the past four months I have purchased cases of pampers that had defective tabs. I contacted the company, and was promptly sent coupons that did not cover the cost of the defective product. In using the coupons, I purchased the second case of defective diapers. I have not purchased Pampers since. -