I have the modern day Brady bunch family! His, mine and ours .makes 8 kiddies from age 8 up to 29! We live animals so we have a cat and dog and bunny and maybe a few mice that we haven't seen yet lol! I am a Christian so I'm constantly looking to deepen my relationship with the Big Guy but loving the process without being a weirdo! I love gardening and baking but have oodles of fun playing with make up and perfumes...doing my nails is therapeutic lol! And when I have to clean (which is daily) I'm looking constantly for new products that make life easier! I'm a lover of people and convo so I have no problem chatting it up with a stranger in a grocery store about something awesome that's gonna be the game changer in toilet scrubbing or window washing! A sense of humour definitely is a part of my genetic makeup!