My daughter was excited when she saw the Party Popteenies! She loves that it comes in a box and when you are done playing with it, everything can go back in the box for storage. She gets really creative with the Popteenies by including them in made... +
My daughter was excited when she saw the Party Popteenies! She loves that it comes in a box and when you are done playing with it, everything can go back in the box for storage. She gets really creative with the Popteenies by including them in made up plays/scenes. She asked if I could go out and buy her more Popteenies but haven't been able to find any yet. I highly recommend Popteenies and foresee this being an item my little one enjoys for years to come... as long as they have the product in stock at local stores. ;) -
We love Reeses Peanut Butter Cups! So delicious but you have to be in the mood for them.
We love Reeses Peanut Butter Cups! So delicious but you have to be in the mood for them. -
My youngest daughter suffers from eczema. We purchased this lotion and it has cleared up so much. At the first sign of it flaring up, we just apply some to the area and it looks so much better within hours. Definitely recommend this product and... +
My youngest daughter suffers from eczema. We purchased this lotion and it has cleared up so much. At the first sign of it flaring up, we just apply some to the area and it looks so much better within hours. Definitely recommend this product and brand to Moms! -
My husband purchased this prior to us getting together and once I seen it for the first time, I thought it was awesome. Way better than it's competitor the 360 PLUS you get free internet. You don't need a subscription service for it. Wahoo!
My husband purchased this prior to us getting together and once I seen it for the first time, I thought it was awesome. Way better than it's competitor the 360 PLUS you get free internet. You don't need a subscription service for it. Wahoo! -
After years of watching the movie over and over, I finally caved a week ago and read this book. The Japanese culture is mesmerizing. This was a fantastic glimpse into what geishas and even people went through back in the early years of the 1900's... +
After years of watching the movie over and over, I finally caved a week ago and read this book. The Japanese culture is mesmerizing. This was a fantastic glimpse into what geishas and even people went through back in the early years of the 1900's. Mameha is by far my favorite character in both the movie and the books. I enjoyed the book but I prefer the movie. At the end of the movie, they cut it short and you are left with thinking Sayuri and the Chairman are happy. In the book, it doesn't seem like they really are all that happy years later. Don't get me wrong. Movie was very well made and book was well written. It's just one of those stories that anyone will love. I recommend it! -
These are the absolute best diapers on the market. I love that my local hospital uses them for newborns and that they even send a few packs home with any new mom or veteran mom who recently had a baby. They work wonders and I can't even tell you how... +
These are the absolute best diapers on the market. I love that my local hospital uses them for newborns and that they even send a few packs home with any new mom or veteran mom who recently had a baby. They work wonders and I can't even tell you how many times they have saved me from getting peed or even pooped on. -