I've used this a couple times since receiving it and I quickly discovered it was the exact perfect formula for my combination/oily skin. It's refreshing yet tough enough so I feel squeaky clean after each use! Would highly recommend 👌
I've used this a couple times since receiving it and I quickly discovered it was the exact perfect formula for my combination/oily skin. It's refreshing yet tough enough so I feel squeaky clean after each use! Would highly recommend 👌 -
This is definitely worth a try, I loved it much better than the no name brand I usually eat. Thank you to chic advisor for the opportunity to try this out!
This is definitely worth a try, I loved it much better than the no name brand I usually eat. Thank you to chic advisor for the opportunity to try this out! -
These are my favorite fries ever, they're inexpensive, tasty and a quick fix when you need something yummy in a pinch. Definitely suited for anyone with an affinity for fries.
These are my favorite fries ever, they're inexpensive, tasty and a quick fix when you need something yummy in a pinch. Definitely suited for anyone with an affinity for fries. -
This concealer is one of my all time favorites, goes on great and lasts. Comes in a great variety of shades as well as the finish seems to flatter most skin types.
This concealer is one of my all time favorites, goes on great and lasts. Comes in a great variety of shades as well as the finish seems to flatter most skin types. -
Great product, works awesome and smells great, definitely think its overpriced for what it is but people will definitely pay for it. Would recommend it.
Great product, works awesome and smells great, definitely think its overpriced for what it is but people will definitely pay for it. Would recommend it. -
This product definitely works it just takes patience and continuous use to get the full effectiveness of the product. Would recommend as a starting point but may need to go through multiple boxes for desired effect.
This product definitely works it just takes patience and continuous use to get the full effectiveness of the product. Would recommend as a starting point but may need to go through multiple boxes for desired effect. -
I would definitely buy this again it was very effective and a great smelling product as well as a very cost effective product for my needs. I love dove.
I would definitely buy this again it was very effective and a great smelling product as well as a very cost effective product for my needs. I love dove. -