| I I thought for sure you see his pic and remember him from the pic's I
have on here. To funny ay!! I walked into the front room and saw him on
the computer writing away. He had his music on and was typing away. I
just thought he was on face book like he usually is. He looked up at me
and said; "You have me hook on the site now ya know." That's when I put
my glass's on to see what he was talking about. I couldn't help but
laugh at him. Then I saw what he had done and gave him a smack. He just
laughed at me like he always dose. I'm lucky to have him, we're very
close and tells me everything. More like a brother sister then a mother
son, but he knows not to cross me either. You never know he might just
stay now that he see's how many girl's are on here. I know what you mean
about posting your email, I wouldn't do it either. Great to have a good
laugh with ya, have a nice night Bren.
Funny |
 | By the way I thought that was really funny when you told MicharlT he
might like to stick around for all the pretty girl's. You did know he's
my son didn't you?? LOL
bugger came on here when I wasn't looking and stuck his nose into all of
that. Oh and because he's only 18 he thinks everyone older then 25 is
old, especially me and I'm only 45. I guess that is old in his eye's for
now any how, but just wait until he gets around our age. We'll see just
how old he thinks it is then.LOL Any how I gave him a smack for stick
his nose into all of that, I sure hope he didn't cause to much crap and
no one gets mad at me over it. I wish there was away to write to one
another on the site so only those your writing to can see it. If there
is and I don't know how to do it could you please let me know. If you
happen to see Mike writing something he shouldn't, just tell him to shut
his mouth, if he mouths off to you tell him I said so.LOL Have a nice
night Bren
Funny |
 | Hi Bren, my Grandmother on my mom side is from Dublin
and I know what you mean by pubs every where you look. She use to tell
me stories about her home all the time. My grandma was born in 1899 and
came over to Canada on a big ship at 19 by herself. While on the ship
she found four other women that she became life long friends with. For
years I thought they were really related to us because we always called
them Aunt when ever we saw them. I think all of my Grandma's stories is
what makes me love watching shows about different parts of the world,
but most shows about the old country, as she called it. After she died I
found some pic's of her with her mom at the home she grow up in. They
were in black and white, but you could still see how cool the homes look
over there. Why she never showed me these pic's when was alive I have
no idea, but it was nice to find them. As for the part of my family
we've just discovered, yes it is very fascinating. I love it when I get
up in the morning and find I have a new email from England. I never know
what they have come up with next and its a lot of fun hearing about all
of it. It can also be a little sad to think of just how hard people had
it back then. Who know maybe one I will be able to make over there and
walk the same streets my family did many many years ago. Have a nice
night Bren
 | Thanks Bren, I looked this morning and it says 6th now. As for your
question about the family, as far as we can tell the family ( My Great Grandmother that
is) came out of a place called Chipping Norton. Then she went to London moved
from there to Reading on to Newbury and then went back and forth from
Newbury back to Reading. This long lost relative that started looking
for everyone and found all this info out is now living in London. I've
never bin there so I'd have to look at a map to even know where any of
these place's are. My Great Grandmother as it turns out was a hooker.
She left her boy's in an orphanage where my Grandfather who was only
five at the time was sold as white slave's to
a farm here in Ontario. That's how the family got lost, but now we're found and
are fining out more all the time. Its very interesting, I'm just glade
it's not me that's doing all the work! I'd love to take my mother there
and also to Ireland and Scotland where her mom and dad are from, but we
don't have the kind of money a trip like that would cost. So unless I
win the lotto we won't be going to far. Thanks again Bren for the
cheers, have a great weekend!
Thank You
 | We voted for you, Brenda. You have the best idea out of all of them. It's pretty sleazy the way some people are going about getting votes. If their idea was that great - NOT - people would vote for them without having to be begged to do so. I'm glad I didn't enter this contest. Not worth the headache. I hope future ones are run in a better manner. And what about people who have only 1 computer in their house?They're not allowed to vote using separate account on the same computer? That's absolutely insane. Not everybody has a laptop in every room. |
 | Hey! I just wanted to say I love your recipe card idea! I'd make a recipe book like that for my mom as a Christmas gift! Good luck!
Smart |
 | Morning
Please tell me these new pic's are from last year! I hate snow and
didn't think BC had snow yet. My brother in-law lives in the mountains
in Alberta and has snow, but my step son that's in BC doesn't. I guess
it depend on where your at. Looking at your beautiful garden covered in
snow must make you a little sad. I know all of my plants are dead now
and everything looks so yucky out there that I don't even want to look
out the window.LOL
Have a nice day Bren.
Cool |
 | Hi Bren!! Things are good with me, very busy! How are you doing? I usually check the site a couple times a week but have been terrible about posting comments the last little while! I noticed you reviewed Silk Almond Milk the other day - strangely enough I tried it for the first time last night - soo tasty! |
 | Thanks Bren! Yep, 7 months and counting. I can't wait to see the little face and fingers and toes. It's definitely an exciting time of life! Every mother I've spoken to has echoed what you said that it all goes by so fast! I'll try to remember that when I'm suffering through the sleepless nights ;). Seriously though, I just hope I can be a good Mom. XO! |
 | Hey, Bubba :-) I haven't been around here for a while but figgered I drop by while I'm going through DHL HELL. You know all about it. We will see you very soon. Can't wait to get down there and see you and give you your bday gift. Even if DHL arrives late afternoon, we'll drive the 12 hours all night. I really don't care at this point.
Love ya :-)
Cool |