Hello Everyone! I would like to say I am a very grateful mother. I am so glad that I have come across Mohair Beauty. My daughter has been diagnosed with Trichtillomania since she was 9 years old. She is almost 21 today and still not over the fact... +
Hello Everyone!
I would like to say I am a very grateful mother. I am so glad that I have come across Mohair Beauty.
My daughter has been diagnosed with Trichtillomania since she was 9 years old. She is almost 21 today and still not over the fact that she pulls her hair. It has been a rocky road to find a solution to get her to stop pulling.
I've spent thousands on psychiatrists, hypnosis, fake nails ( to make it harder to pull ), consultations with
councillors... The most I've spent money on her wigs and extensions to cover up her bald spots. To be honest
till this very day I didn't understand why she had always pulled her hair and I always used to nag her about stopping the habit, not knowing that I was only making this situation worse. At her first stages on losing hair by pulling them out, I got her clip-in extensions. When those no longer worked we moved onto weaves and after we had to resort to wigs as a result of her pulling all her hair out. It really hurt me to see her go through this because she was raelly upset all the time.
Never went out with her friends... I just had that vibe that she was un-happy and really wanted to stop. So finally I did my research and spent hours on youtube, and came along this video here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN1FlkbgnyE&feature=relmfu
I recommend anyone curious about this to watch this. I teared up a lot watching this not knowing the exact feelings my daughter has gone through. And since I lived in Vancouver B.C, it was really hard for me to reach out for that salon in the U.K to help her out? So I finally went and visited multiple salons without my daughter knowing about it ( since she was so shy to tell people she had trich). No place seemed like it would be suitable for what I was looking for. I finally came across Mohair Beauty, and BINGO! I was so happy so find this little cute salon with the great girls working there.
It seemed like this was the choice, So I told them about my daughters issues and how she is shy and they told me not to worry and to just bring her in. Wanting my daughters life to take a turn for the better I took her into Mohair Salon as a surprise. At first she was really uncomfortable, but as soon as she met the girls and communicated with them she totally opened up to all her issues ( even the ones I wasn't aware of, being her mom). Not only did she open up, but she got a custom hair pieces made which was sewed on to her head with the hair she had left, kind of like a weave.
With this she hasn't been able to pull her own hair for 6 months and I have seen drastic growth in her hair since. She's been more confident with herself, I've noticed happier and more involved with events with family and friends. It has cost me much less money ( not that it matter, I would've paid any price to see my daughter happy again ) Not one doctor could look at my daughters eyes and tell her what exactly was wrong with her. But here at Mohair, instead of figuring that out they have prevented her to reach her out head to pull which has lessened her desire to pull more. This was a remarkable moment for the both of us and we could not be any more happy with what we have been offered by Mohair Beauty. Great Service, Attitude, Ambition and hair. Simple as that.
I would like to fully recommend Mohair Salon for fully putting a fairytale twist into my daughters life.
Thank you so much, I could never be so grateful.